Wednesday 250312
Wednesday 250312
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Calories on the Echo bikePerform a 100-meter front-of-body object carry after each set on the bike.
♀ 80 lb
♂ 100 lbPost time to the comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a shorter effort. Aim to sprint the calories on the bike and keep a steady pace on the object carry. For the object carry, use anything you have available. This can be a sandbag, D-ball, one or two kettlebells or dumbbells, or a barbell. Work hard and have fun.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the object and reduce the calories on the bike.To reduce the complexity of the front-of-body object carry, consider the type of object you hold. Some objects may be held more easily than others.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the bike with a rower, ski erg, or air runner. For the object carry, consider performing a farmers carry or holding the object on either shoulder as opposed to the front-of-body position.
Intermediate option:
30-20-10 reps for time of:
Calories on the Echo bikePerform a 100-meter front-of-body object carry after each set on the bike.
♀ 50 lb
♂ 70 lbBeginner option:
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Calories on the Echo bikePerform a 100-meter front-of-body object carry after each set on the bike.
♀ 15 lb
♂ 25 lbCoaching cues:
When carrying something in front of your body, focus on keeping your mid-section tight and avoid leaning back. The more rigid you can keep your torso, the better.Resources:
Rogue Echo Bike.
Odd Object Move WOD Demo From 230321Find a gym near you:
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Tuesday 250311
Tuesday 250311
On a continuously running clock, every 7 minutes for 3 sets, complete:
800-meter run
40 double-unders
20 GHD sit-ups
10 ring dipsPost your fastest and slowest times to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout contains three intervals. The goal is to complete each interval as quickly as possible and within the 7-minute clock so you have rest between sets, which will allow you to hit each interval at a good pace.Scaling:
Reduce the distance of the run. If possible, maintain the volume of each movement, but reduce the complexity of each.If you are unfamiliar with or have not been training consistently with the GHD, reduce the range of motion or perform weighted sit-ups or AbMat sit-ups. For the double-unders, perform attempts for 1 minute or 40 singles. For the ring dips, lower the rings closer to the ground and use your legs for assistance. If necessary, perform a box or bench dip.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the run with a 1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike or an 800/1,000-meter row. For the double-unders, perform jumping jacks or low box step-ups for no more than 1 minute. For the sit-ups, perform 30-second to 1-minute plank holds. For the ring dips, consider foot-assisted box or bench dips, or push-ups with your hands on a 30-inch box.
Intermediate option:
On a continuously running clock, every 7 minutes for 3 sets, complete:
800-meter run
20 double-unders
20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
10 ring dipsBeginner option:
On a continuously running clock, every 7 minutes for 3 sets, complete:
400-meter run
40 single-unders
20 sit-ups
10 foot-assisted ring dipsCoaching cues:
On the rings, as you lower your body down, keep your legs extended. Then, as you get ready to press up, focus on driving your knees to your chest and then pressing the rings into your pockets.Resources:
Running: Line Drills
The Double-Under
The GHD Sit-Up
The Ring Dip
Ring Dip ScalingFind a gym near you:
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Monday 250310
Monday 250310
Front squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Compare to 220904.
Post loads to the comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today is a heavy day. As always, heavy is relative to each athlete's capacity and experience. You will benefit from today's effort if you are working to your limits. Experienced athletes should build to a heavy set of 5 and plan to go as heavy as possible across all sets. Newer athletes should start light, focus on mechanics, and slowly add weight as they are comfortable.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the barbell as needed to maintain consistently sound mechanics.To adjust the complexity of the lift, consider performing a goblet squat with a dumbbell or kettlebell.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider squatting with a single dumbbell or kettlebell. You can also lunge with load or perform unloaded air squats.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.
Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.Coaching cues:
Let the elbows lead you out of the bottom of each squat. Find a target above your gaze and drive your elbows to that spot on every rep.Resources:
The Front SquatFind a gym near you:
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Saturday 250308
Saturday 250308
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
30 burpees
20 kettlebell swings
10 50-foot shuttle runs (25 feet out and 25 feet back)♀ 35-lb kettlebell
♂ 53-lb kettlebellPost rounds and reps to the comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer-duration grind. If you completed the Open workout yesterday, consider using this workout as an opportunity to move, get the blood flowing, and have some fun. If this is a normal training day, treat it as such and get after it. Choose a weight for the kettlebell swings that allows you to complete the reps in 2 sets or less.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the kettlebell. To reduce the total volume of the workout, reduce the duration to 10-15 minutes.To reduce the complexity of the burpees, perform up-downs. For the kettlebell swings, reduce the range of motion to Russian kettlebell swings or kettlebell deadlifts. For the shuttle run, consider a movement substitution.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider using a movement substitution for the shuttle runs. Perform a 500/700-meter Echo bike or a 200/250-meter row.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
30 burpees
20 kettlebell swings
10 50-foot shuttle runs (25 feet out and 25 feet back)♀ 26-lb kettlebell
♂ 35-lb kettlebellBeginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
15 burpees
15 kettlebell swings
10 50-foot shuttle runs (25 feet out and 25 feet back)♀ 18-lb kettlebell
♂ 26-lb kettlebellCoaching cues:
To maximize your efficiency on the shuttle runs, anticipate your turn or change of direction. Aim to begin your turn a few steps before, plant with your outside foot, stay low, and accelerate into the next straight away.Resources:
The Burpee
The Kettlebell SwingFind a gym near you:
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Friday 250307
Friday 250307
Open Workout 25.2
For time:
21 pull-ups
42 double-unders
21 thrusters (weight 1)
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
36 double-unders
18 thrusters (weight 2)
15 bar muscle-ups
30 double-unders
15 thrusters (weight 3)♀ 65 lb, then 75 lb, then 85 lb
♂ 95 lb, then 115 lb, then 135 lbTime cap: 12 minutes
Compare times to 220311.
Post time or reps completed to comments, and submit your score as part of the 2025 CrossFit Open.
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Double-Under
The Thruster
The Kipping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up
The Kipping Bar Muscle-Up
Workout Tips With Adrian Bozman From the 2022 CrossFit OpenVisit the CrossFit Games website for full details, including Scaled, Foundations (beginner), and Age-Group variations of the workout.
Wednesday 250305
Wednesday 250305
For time:
400-meter run
30 box jump-overs
800-meter run
30 box jump-overs
400-meter run♀ 24-inch box
♂ 30-inch boxPost times to the comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a pyramid rep scheme with two movements. This is a moderate-duration effort that challenges you to push the pace with an elevated heart rate. The box jump-overs are slightly higher and require a bit more effort and focus as you are moving from one side to the other. Push the pace on each run and keep moving on the box jump-overs.Scaling:
Reduce the distance of the run and volume of the box jump-overs.To reduce the complexity of the run, consider reducing the distance or substituting with an alternative. For the box jump-overs, reduce the height of the box to a height that allows you to maintain the jump. If necessary, consider stepping up as opposed to jumping.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the 400-meter run with a 900/1,250-meter Echo bike or a 400/500-meter row. For the 800-meter run, substitute with a 1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike or an 800/1,000-meter row. For the box jump-overs, reduce the height and perform step-ups or lunges.
Intermediate option:
For time:
400-meter run
30 box jump-overs
800-meter run
30 box jump-overs
400-meter run♀ 20-inch box
♂ 24-inch boxBeginner option:
For time:
200-meter run
20 box step-overs
400-meter run
20 box step-overs
200-meter run♀ 12-inch box
♂ 20-inch boxCoaching cues:
To speed up the box jump-overs, try turning 180 degrees on top of the box before stepping down. This turn on top of the box will set you up to perform the next box jump-over because you will be facing the box and prepared for the next rep.Resources:
Running: Pulling in Place Drill
Box Jump-Over Variations
Box Step-OverFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 250304
Tuesday 250304
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
8 dumbbell goblet squats
8 handstand push-ups♀ 50-lb dumbbell
♂ 70-lb dumbbellPost reps to the comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is quick and to the point. With the complementary movement functions and the small amount of reps in each set, you should be able to move through a single round in 90 seconds or less. More advanced athletes may be able to maintain unbroken handstand push-ups and keep rounds under 1 minute. Don’t pace on this one. Keep the gas pedal down and the workout will be over before you know it. Work hard and have fun.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the dumbbell to a weight that allows you to maintain unbroken reps for the entire workout. Reduce the reps of the handstand push-ups if the volume of each round is too much. Consider as few as 4 reps.To reduce the complexity of the goblet squat, reduce the loading of the dumbbell. If necessary, perform an air squat and focus on moving through the range of motion. For the handstand push-ups, perform pike push-ups or dumbbell shoulder presses.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider air squats or unweighted lunges in place of the goblet squats. Focus on a pain-free range of motion. For the handstand push-ups, consider push-ups or single-arm dumbbell shoulder or push presses.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
8 dumbbell goblet squats
4 handstand push-ups♀ 35-lb dumbbell
♂ 50-lb dumbbellBeginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
8 air squats
8 dumbbell push presses♀ 10-lb dumbbells
♂ 15-lb dumbbellsCoaching cues:
Squeeze your stomach tight at all times during the handstand push-ups. Not only will this keep your spine in a safe position, but maintaining a rigid torso during the kip maximizes the amount of energy transferred from the kip into the press. Without a rigid midline, a significant amount of energy from your legs can be lost, resulting in a more difficult press.Resources:
From the Archives: Dumbbells
The Kipping Handstand Push-UpFind a gym near you:
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Monday 250303
Monday 250303
Every minute on the minute for 5 minutes for load:
3 touch-and-go power snatchesEvery minute on the minute for 5 minutes for load:
2 touch-and-go power snatchesEvery minute on the minute for 5 minutes for load:
1 power snatchPost loads to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is an opportunity to lift heavy. Keep in mind, heavy is relative to each individual's capacity and competence with the lift. The goal is to lift your heaviest load for each 5-minute section. You can increase the loading across each minute, maintain the same weight for multiple sets, or stay at one weight for the entire workout. Newer and less-experienced athletes should focus on refining technique at submaximal loads rather than increasing the weight throughout the workout.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain the integrity of the lift.To reduce the complexity of the lift, reduce the loading and consider performing a hang power snatch to avoid having to navigate the knees.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing a power clean for an overhead limitation. You can also perform a single-arm snatch with a dumbbell or kettlebell.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.Coaching cues:
When performing touch-and-go reps, focus on keeping your hips slightly higher as you return the barbell to the floor. This will help keep the knees back and out of the way allowing you to get to the floor without going around the knees.Resources:
The Power SnatchFind a gym near you:
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Saturday 250301
Saturday 250301
5 rounds for total reps of:
1 minute of row calories
1 minute of GHD hip extensions
1 minute of strict pull-upsRest 1 minute between rounds.
Post total reps to the comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout allows you to choose your own adventure. Push the pace in each minute or pull back depending on how you are feeling. If you performed the Open workout yesterday, you may need to take today as an active recovery day. Either way, choose options for the GHD hip extensions and the strict pull-ups that allow you to move for the majority of the minute. Today’s workout is a great opportunity for newer athletes to build capacity and practice the GHD hip extension. That said, reduce the range of motion as needed to focus on maintaining a rigid, unchanging back position.Scaling:
To reduce the volume of reps accumulated, reduce the total number of rounds in today’s effort.To reduce the complexity of the GHD hip extension, reduce the range of motion. Athletes who are unfamiliar with the movement can perform a good morning unweighted or with an empty barbell. As for the strict pull-ups, perform banded strict pull-ups or ring rows. If you choose to use a band for strict pull-ups, choose one that allows you to complete consistent sets of 3-5 reps.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the row with a run, bike, or ski erg. For the GHD hip extension, perform an unloaded good morning. For the strict pull-ups, perform a ring row or a bent-over row with a dumbbell.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.Beginner option:
3 rounds for total reps of:
1 minute of row calories
1 minute of unloaded good mornings
1 minute of ring rowsRest 1 minute between rounds.
Coaching cues:
In the GHD hip extensions, consider a string linking your belly bottom to your sternum. As you lower your torso, pull the string tight. If your belly button gets closer to your sternum the string becomes loose and your back begins to round.Resources:
Rowing Technique Tips
The GHD Hip Extension
The Strict Pull-Up
Unloaded Good Mornings
The Ring RowFind a gym near you:
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Friday 250228
Friday 250228
Open Workout 25.1
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 lateral burpees over the dumbbell
3 dumbbell hang clean-to-overheads
30-foot walking lunge (2 x 15 feet)
*After completing each round, add 3 reps to the burpees and hang clean-to-overheads.♀ 35-lb (15-kg) dumbbell
♂ 50-lb (22.5-kg) dumbbellPost time or reps completed to comments, and submit your score as part of the 2025 CrossFit Open.
Visit the CrossFit Games website for full details, including Scaled, Foundations (beginner), and Age-Group variations of the workout. Adaptive versions of the workout can be found through WheelWOD.
[Burpee Over the Dumbbell]
The Dumbbell Hang Clean and Push Jerk
The Walking Lunge
CrossFit Open Workout 25.1 Tips