Tuesday 250311
On a continuously running clock, every 7 minutes for 3 sets, complete:
800-meter run
40 double-unders
20 GHD sit-ups
10 ring dipsPost your fastest and slowest times to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout contains three intervals. The goal is to complete each interval as quickly as possible and within the 7-minute clock so you have rest between sets, which will allow you to hit each interval at a good pace.Scaling:
Reduce the distance of the run. If possible, maintain the volume of each movement, but reduce the complexity of each.If you are unfamiliar with or have not been training consistently with the GHD, reduce the range of motion or perform weighted sit-ups or AbMat sit-ups. For the double-unders, perform attempts for 1 minute or 40 singles. For the ring dips, lower the rings closer to the ground and use your legs for assistance. If necessary, perform a box or bench dip.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the run with a 1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike or an 800/1,000-meter row. For the double-unders, perform jumping jacks or low box step-ups for no more than 1 minute. For the sit-ups, perform 30-second to 1-minute plank holds. For the ring dips, consider foot-assisted box or bench dips, or push-ups with your hands on a 30-inch box.
Intermediate option:
On a continuously running clock, every 7 minutes for 3 sets, complete:
800-meter run
20 double-unders
20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
10 ring dipsBeginner option:
On a continuously running clock, every 7 minutes for 3 sets, complete:
400-meter run
40 single-unders
20 sit-ups
10 foot-assisted ring dipsCoaching cues:
On the rings, as you lower your body down, keep your legs extended. Then, as you get ready to press up, focus on driving your knees to your chest and then pressing the rings into your pockets.Resources:
Running: Line Drills
The Double-Under
The GHD Sit-Up
The Ring Dip
Ring Dip ScalingFind a gym near you:
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