Tuesday 060530
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
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Tuesday 060530
Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
Tuesday 240319
For 10 rounds, complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute of:
2 wall walks
4 deadlifts
Max wall-ball shots
*Rest 1 minute between rounds.
♀205-lb deadlift, 14-lb ball to a 9-foot target
♂275-lb deadlift, 20-lb ball to a 10-foot target
Post reps to comments.
Today’s workout contains 10 sprints. Athletes performing the workout as prescribed should have at least 20 seconds to accumulate as many wall-ball shots as possible in each round. Wall walks should be quick with minimal rest between reps. The load of the deadlifts, while moderately heavy, should allow athletes to go unbroken in each round. Scale the range of motion of the wall walks and the load of the deadlifts to hit this stimulus.
Intermediate option:
For 10 rounds, complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute of:
2 wall walks
4 deadlifts
Max wall-ball shots
*Rest 1 minute between rounds.
♀155-lb deadlift, 10-lb ball to a 9-foot target
♂225-lb deadlift, 14-lb ball to a 10-foot target
Beginner option:
For 10 rounds, complete as many reps as possible in 1 minute of:
2 inchworms + push-up
4 deadlifts
Max wall-ball shots
*Rest 1 minute between rounds.
♀65-lb deadlift, 6-lb ball to a 9-foot target
♂95-lb deadlift, 10-lb ball to a 10-foot target
The Wall Walk
The Deadlift
The Wall-Ball Shot
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Featured photo:
Photo by Peter Pan during Open Workout 24.3 at CrossFit CSTL in Hong Kong, China.
Sunday 010211
Dumbbell deadlift 10 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Dumbell deadlift 8 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Dumbell deadlift 6 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Dumbell deadlift 4 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Dumbell deadlift 2 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Cycle two minutes at high resistance
Cycle two minutes at high RPM
Cycle two minutes at high resistance
Increase the deadlift weight each set.
Maintain perfect form or you'll cripple yourself.
Cycle effort is all out; this is not a cruise.
On the bar-toe touch, move in slow motion, i.e, no swing at all.
Saturday 101016
"CrossFit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
Dave Lipson: Squat 550, Press 215, Deadlift 635. Total 1400lbs
Jason Khalipa: Squat 445, Press 240, Deadlift 535. Total 1220lbs
Kristan Clever: Squat 270, Press 115, Deadlift 335. Total 720lbs
Katie Hogan: Squat 245, Press 115, Deadlift 320. Total 685lbs
Elyse Umeda Squat 275, Press 105, Deadlift 295. Total 675lbs
Rebecca Voigt: Squat 215, Press 105, Deadlift 350. Total 670lbs
Kim Malz: Squat 235, Press 95, Deadlift 275. Total 605lbs
Post total to comments.
Compare to 100724.
Friday 210521
PairUP ThrowDOWN
For time, with a partner:
30 syncro deadlifts
30 syncro bar facing burpees
400 m run
20 syncro deadlifts
20 syncro bar-facing burpees
400 m Run
10 syncro deadlifts
10 syncro bar-facing burpees
400 m run
Rest 5 minutes, then:
10 syncro thrusters
10 syncro pull-ups
400 m run
20 syncro thrusters
20 syncro pull-ups
400 m run
30 syncro thrusters,
30 pull-ups
400 run
Time cap: 35 minutes
♀ 125-lb. deadlifts, 55-lb. thrusters
♂ 185-lb. deadlifts, 75-lb. thrusters
Post time to comments and/or register for the 2021 CrossFit PairUP ThrowDOWN and log your score there.
Workout Variations
(54 and under)
Women 125-lb. deadlift, 55-lb. thruster
Men 185-lb. deadlift, 75-lb. thruster
(55 and up)
Women 95-lb. deadlift, 35-lb. thruster, may step over during bar-facing burpees
Men 135-lb. deadlift, 45-lb. thruster, may step over during bar-facing burpees
(54 and under)
Women 95-lb. deadlift, 35-lb. thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees
Men 135-lb. deadlift, 45-lb. thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees
(55 and up)
Women 65-lb. deadlift, PVC pipe or stick thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees, 200-m run
Men 95-lb. deadlift, PVC pipe or stick thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees, 200-m run