Saturday 020928
Complete as many Pull-ups as you can in 60 minutes
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Saturday 020928
Complete as many Pull-ups as you can in 60 minutes
Saturday 231007
Strict Nicole
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
Max-reps strict pull-ups
Post number of pull-ups completed for each round to comments.
Compare to 190607.
This variation of the classic workout, Nicole, calls for strict pull-ups. If you have strict pull-ups, but are unable to perform at least 7 reps, begin each set with strict pull-ups until failure, and then stay on the bar for kipping pull-ups. If you do not yet have strict pull-ups, one option is to use a band and perform banded strict pull-ups.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
Max-reps strict pull-ups + kipping
*If you have strict pull-ups, but are unable to perform at least 7 reps, begin each set with strict pull-ups until failure, and then stay on the bar for kipping pull-ups.
Beginner option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
Run 400 meters
Max-reps banded strict pull-ups
Thursday 220616
On a Concept2 rower:
Pull a sub-1:25/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:30/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:30/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:25/500-m pace for as long as possible
Post time maintained at each pace to comments. Scale split times as needed. Compare to 160613.
Approach these intervals as max efforts. Choose a beginning pace on the rower that you are able to maintain for a minimum of 10 seconds.
Intermediate Option:
On the Concept2 rower:
Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:40/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:45/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:40/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible
Beginner Option:
On the C2 rower:
Pull a sub-1:55/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-2:00/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-2:05/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-2:00/500-m pace for as long as possible
Friday 230303
Open Test 23.3
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 wall walks
50 double-unders
15 snatches (65/95 lb)
5 wall walks
50 double-unders
12 snatches (95/135 lb)
If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
9 snatches (125/185 lb)
If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 strict handstand push-ups
50 double-unders
6 snatches (155/225 lb)
Post reps completed to comments and submit your results as part of the 2023 CrossFit Games Open.
View full 23.3 Class Plan
Visit the CrossFit Games website for all versions of the workout.
Intermediate option:
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 scaled wall walks
50 single-unders
15 snatches (45/65 lb)
5 scaled wall walks
50 single-unders
12 snatches (65/95 lb)
If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 hand-release push-ups
50 single-unders
9 snatches (75/115 lb)
If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
20 hand-release push-ups
50 single-unders
6 snatches (85/135 lb)
Beginner option:
Starting with a 6-minute time cap, complete as many reps as possible of:
5 bear crawls
50 jumping jacks
15 snatches (35/45 lb)
5 bear crawls
50 jumping jacks
12 snatches (35/45 lb)
If completed before the 6-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
5 bear crawls
60 jumping jacks
9 snatches (75/115 lb)
If completed before the 9-minute time cap, add 3 minutes to the time cap and complete:
5 bear crawls
60 jumping jacks
6 snatches (85/135 lb)
Saturday 040724
For time:
20 Pull-ups
10 Handstand push-ups
18 Pull-ups
9 Handstand push-ups
16 Pull-ups
8 Handstand push-ups
14 Pull-ups
7 Handstand push-ups
12 Pull-ups
6 Handstand push-ups
10 Pull-ups
5 Handstand push-ups
8 Pull-ups
4 Handstand push-ups
6 Pull-ups
3 Handstand push-ups
4 Pull-ups
2 Handstand push-ups
2 Pull-ups
1 Handstand push-ups