Saturday 020323
Three rounds of the couplet:
5 Rope climb; record time
Kettlebell swing for time equivalent to Rope Climb effort.
Rest as needed.
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
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Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Saturday 020323
Three rounds of the couplet:
5 Rope climb; record time
Kettlebell swing for time equivalent to Rope Climb effort.
Rest as needed.
Wednesday 220511
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 L-sit rope climb
3 overhead squats
1 L-sit rope climb
6 overhead squats
1 L-sit rope climb
9 overhead squats
1 L-sit rope climb
12 overhead squats
Etc. adding 3 reps to the OHS each round.
Climb to 15 ft, starting from seated.
♀ 75 lb ♂ 115 lb
Post rounds completed to comments.
If you are unable to complete an L-sit rope climb, modify the movement and challenge yourself in a pulling exercise.
Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 Legless rope climb
3 overhead squats
1 Legless rope climb
6 overhead squats
1 Legless rope climb
9 overhead squats
1 Legless rope climb
12 overhead squats
Etc. adding 3 reps to the OHS each round.
Climb to 15 ft, starting from seated.
♀ 75 lb ♂ 115 lb
Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 Rope climb, lying to standing + 1 pull with feet wrapped
3 overhead squats
1Rope climb, lying to standing + 1 pull with feet wrapped
6 overhead squats
1 Rope climb, lying to standing + 1 pull with feet wrapped
9 overhead squats
1 Rope climb, lying to standing + 1 pull with feet wrapped
12 overhead squats
Etc. adding 3 reps to the OHS each round.
♀ 22 lb ♂ 35 lb
Sunday 110320
For time:
135 pound Front squat, 10 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
135 pound Front squat, 9 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
135 pound Front squat, 8 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
135 pound Front squat, 7 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
135 pound Front squat, 6 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
135 pound Front squat, 5 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
135 pound Front squat, 4 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
135 pound Front squat, 3 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
135 pound Front squat, 2 reps
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
135 pound Front squat, 1 rep
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Chris Spealler 4:47. Post time to comments.
Monday 210524
For time:
50 dumbbell snatches
5 rope climbs
40 dumbbell snatches
4 rope climbs
30 dumbbell snatches
3 rope climbs
20 dumbbell snatches
2 rope climbs
10 dumbbell snatches
1 rope climb
♀ 45-lb. DB, 15-ft. rope
♂ 70-lb. DB, 15-ft. rope
Post time to comments.
Compare to 150323.
Reduce the load of the snatches to a weight that is challenging but allows you to complete at least 10 reps unbroken when fresh. Beginners should also scale the volume.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
50 dumbbell snatches
5 rope climbs
40 dumbbell snatches
4 rope climbs
30 dumbbell snatches
3 rope climbs
20 dumbbell snatches
2 rope climbs
10 dumbbell snatches
1 rope climb
♀ 25-lb. DB, 15-ft. rope
♂ 40-lb. DB, 15-ft. rope
Beginner Option:
For time:
40 dumbbell snatches
4 rope climbs, lying to standing
30 dumbbell snatches
3 rope climbs, lying to standing
20 dumbbell snatches
2 rope climbs, lying to standing
10 dumbbell snatches
1 rope climb, lying to standing
♀ 10-lb. DB
♂ 15-lb. DB
Saturday 021123
30 Ab-bench at max weight
(or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion)
25 Back extension
50 Squats
Six sets of pull-ups
(max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets)
Six sets of dips
(max effort, record the total, take as much time as needed between sets)
OR, if you have a muscle-up,
Ten sets of muscle-ups
(max effort, take as much time as needed, record the time to complete all ten)
One rope climb with no legs or five with legs.
Twenty handstand push-ups by any means. Have spotter pull you up by ankles if needed.
Practice lowering from handstand to planche
(body parallel to floor, arms locked)
Have spotter support your ankles and lower you to parallel.
Hold at parallel, with spotter minimally helping, for five full seconds.
Repeat for ten attempts. Do on padded mat, crash pad, or other padded surface!!
30 Ab-bench at max weight
(or other sit-up that ranges from trunk extension through to flexion)
25 Back extension
50 Squats
This is a really tough day. Don't hold back.
Tomorrow is met-con only, so you will be able to rest your arms, back, and shoulders.
You are getting a small taste of the demands of a gymnast's workout.