Monday 171016
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
15 burpees
30-calorie row
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Monday 171016
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
15 burpees
30-calorie row
Saturday 240120
For time:
60/75-calorie row
21 push jerks
60/75-calorie row
15 push jerks
60/75-calorie row
9 push jerks
♀ 95/125/155 lb
♂ 135/185/225 lb
Post time to comments.
Today's workout is a longer effort that combines monostructural rowing efforts while building to a heavy set of push jerks. The rows should take no longer than 5:30, with faster rowers coming in closer to 3:30. Choose push jerk loads that allow you to complete each round of decreasing reps at increasing loads in no more than 3 sets and in under 2 minutes.
Intermediate option:
For time:
45/60-calorie row
21 push jerks
45/60-calorie row
15 push jerks
45/60-calorie row
9 push jerks
♀ 65/75/95 lb
♂ 95/115/135 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
21/30-calorie row
21 push jerks
21/30-calorie row
15 push jerks
21/30-calorie row
9 push jerks
♀ 35/35/55 lb
♂ 45/45/65 lb
Rowing Technique Tips
The Push Jerk
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Featured photo:
Taken by Adam Box at Hammer CrossFit West in Phoenix, Arizona.
Thursday 220616
On a Concept2 rower:
Pull a sub-1:25/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:30/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:30/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:25/500-m pace for as long as possible
Post time maintained at each pace to comments. Scale split times as needed. Compare to 160613.
Approach these intervals as max efforts. Choose a beginning pace on the rower that you are able to maintain for a minimum of 10 seconds.
Intermediate Option:
On the Concept2 rower:
Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:40/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:45/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:40/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-1:35/500-m pace for as long as possible
Beginner Option:
On the C2 rower:
Pull a sub-1:55/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-2:00/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-2:05/500-m pace for as long as possible
Rest 3 minutes
Pull a sub-2:00/500-m pace for as long as possible
Wednesday 230920
2023 Games test: “Intervals"”
For time:
21 box jump-overs( (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box, step-down)
15-calorie row
9 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 36-inch ♂ 48-inch box)
21 box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box, step-down)
15-calorie row
9 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 36-inch ♂ 48-inch box)
Rest until 6-minute mark, then:
9 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 36-inch ♂ 48-inch box)
15-calorie row
21 box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box, step-down)
9 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 36-inch ♂ 48-inch box)
15-calorie row
21 box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box, step-down)
If you anticipate that you cannot finish the first segment with 90 seconds or more to rest, modify the workout to 2 rounds for total time with a 2-minute rest between rounds. Use the step-down approach for both the box jump-overs and the burpee box jump-overs.
Beginner option:
For time:
12 box jump-overs (♀ 12-inch ♂ 20-inch box, step-down)
9-calorie row
6 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box)
12 box jump-overs (♀ 12-inch ♂ 20-inch box, step-down)
9-calorie row
6 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box)
Rest 2 minutes
6 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box)
9-calorie row
12 box jump-overs (♀ 12-inch ♂ 20-inch box, step-down)
6 burpee box jump-overs (♀ 20-inch ♂ 24-inch box)
9-calorie row
12 box jump-overs (♀ 12-inch ♂ 20-inch box, step-down)
Saturday 240316
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 ring dips
2 burpees
5 hang power cleans
4 ring dips
4 burpees
5 hang power cleans
6 ring dips
6 burpees
5 hang power cleans, etc.
*Continue adding 2 reps to the ring dips and burpees until time expires.
♀125 lb
♂185 lb
Post reps to comments.
Today we have an ascending ladder of ring dips and burpees paired with a consistent number of hang power cleans. The load of the barbell is moderately heavy and should allow you to complete 5 reps in 2 sets or less. Advanced athletes may be able to maintain unbroken reps throughout the workout. Athletes performing the ring dips as prescribed should be able to maintain consistent sets of 3-5 unbroken reps. Expect the ring dips and burpees to cause localized muscle fatigue and the hang power cleans to be a welcomed “break.” Work hard and have fun today!
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 ring dip
2 burpees
5 hang power cleans
2 ring dips
4 burpees
5 hang power cleans
3 ring dips
6 burpees
5 hang power cleans, etc.
*Continue adding 1 rep to the ring dips and 2 reps to the burpees until time expires.
♀95 lb
♂135 lb
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 foot-assisted ring dips
2 burpees
5 hang power cleans
4 foot-assisted ring dips
4 burpees
5 hang power cleans
6 foot-assisted ring dips
6 burpees
5 hang power cleans, etc.
*Continue adding 2 reps to the ring dips and burpees until time expires.
♀35 lb
♂45 lb
The Ring Dip
The Burpee
The Hang Power Clean
Looking for the CrossFit Open Workout?
See the Open Workout →
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Reminder: 24.3 scores are due before 5 p.m. PT, Monday, March 18.
Featured photo:
Taken by Ruby Wolff during Open Workout 24.3 at CrossFit Geo in Gladesville, Australia.