Mayhem Daily Wod - 22131
M30 4 Sets: 100m Run (as 4x25m shuttle sprint) 10 Burpees 10 Jumping Air Squats 100m Run (as 4x25m shuttle sprint) 10 Burpees 10 Jumping Air Squats -Rest 1:00 B/T Sets-
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Mayhem Daily Wod - 22131
M30 4 Sets: 100m Run (as 4x25m shuttle sprint) 10 Burpees 10 Jumping Air Squats 100m Run (as 4x25m shuttle sprint) 10 Burpees 10 Jumping Air Squats -Rest 1:00 B/T Sets-
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Monday 240129
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
3 wall-facing strict handstand push-ups
5 shuttle runs
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
6 strict handstand push-ups
5 shuttle runs
As many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
9 kipping handstand push-ups
5 shuttle runs
1 shuttle run = 25 feet down and 25 feet back
Post reps to comments.
Today’s workout is a mix of high-skill gymnastics and grunt work. You have to pay the toll of the shuttle runs in order to play with the handstand push-ups. Scale the number of shuttle runs to finish in 1 minute or less. The most challenging variation of the handstand push-up is up first. Challenge yourself, but not so much that you spend a lot of time resting. There is more benefit in scaling the handstand push-up and continuously moving than in trying to do too much and twiddling your thumbs.
Intermediate option:
As many reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
3 strict handstand push-ups
5 shuttle runs
As many reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
6 kipping handstand push-ups
5 shuttle runs
1 shuttle run = 25 feet down and 25 feet back
Beginner option:
As many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
3 dumbbell shoulder presses
10 shuttle runs
6 dumbbell shoulder presses
10 shuttle runs
*Continue adding 3 reps to the dumbbell shoulder presses until time expires.
1 shuttle run = 25 feet down and 25 feet back
♀ 15 lb
♂ 20 lb
The Wall-Facing Handstand Push-Up
The Strict Handstand Push-Up
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up
The Dumbbell Press
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Featured photo:
Taken at CrossFit Fury in Goodyear, Arizona.
For time:
2 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
2 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
4 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
4 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
6 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
6 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
8 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
8 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
10 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
10 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
12 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
12 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
14 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
14 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
16 x 100-meter shuttle sprint
16 squat clean thrusters, 65-lb. dumbbells
Sunday 220327
2022 Individual Quarterfinal Workout 3
For time:
8 wall-ball shots
4 shuttle runs
1 rope climb
16 wall-ball shots
8 shuttle runs
2 rope climbs
24 wall-ball shots
12 shuttle runs
3 rope climbs
32 wall-ball shots
16 shuttle runs
4 rope climbs
24 wall-ball shots
12 shuttle runs
3 rope climbs
16 wall-ball shots
8 shuttle runs
2 rope climbs
8 wall-ball shots
4 shuttle runs
1 rope climb
Time cap: 25 minutes
♀ 14-lb medicine ball, 10-ft target, 50-ft shuttle (25 out, 25 back), 15-ft rope
♂ 20-lb medicine ball, 10-ft target, 50-ft shuttle (25 out, 25 back), 15-ft rope
Intermediate athletes can complete this workout as prescribed and just stop at the 25-minute cap. Choose a medicine ball that allows you to complete the large middle rounds in no more than 3 sets. Consider reducing the number of shuttle runs.
Beginner Option:
6-lb medicine ball, 9-ft target, 25-ft shuttle (out and back counts as 2), lying to standing rope climbs
10-lb medicine ball, 9-ft target, 25-ft shuttle (out and back counts as 2), lying to standing rope climbs
For Time:180 yard Shuttle Sprint *27 Burpees180 yard Shuttle Sprint21 Burpees180 yard Shuttle Sprint15 Burpees180 yard Shuttle Sprint9 Burpees180 yard Shuttle SprintShuttle Sprint:40 yards down/ 40 yards back30 down/ 30 back20 down/ 20 back(180 yards total)
For Time:
180 yard Shuttle Sprint *
27 Burpees
180 yard Shuttle Sprint
21 Burpees
180 yard Shuttle Sprint
15 Burpees
180 yard Shuttle Sprint
9 Burpees
180 yard Shuttle Sprint
Shuttle Sprint:
40 yards down/ 40 yards back
30 down/ 30 back
20 down/ 20 back
(180 yards total)