Mayhem Daily Wod - 211127
Masters/Scaled/Teen AMRAP 14 Minutes 50 Calorie row 40 Toes to bar (OR 50 Hanging Knee Raises) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 20 Power Cleans (115/80) 10 Muscle Ups (OR 20 Burpee Pull Ups)
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Mayhem Daily Wod - 211127
Masters/Scaled/Teen AMRAP 14 Minutes 50 Calorie row 40 Toes to bar (OR 50 Hanging Knee Raises) 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 20 Power Cleans (115/80) 10 Muscle Ups (OR 20 Burpee Pull Ups)
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Monday 230731
For time:
15 strict toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
12 strict toes-to-bars
40 double-unders
9 strict toes-to-bars
30 double-unders
6 strict toes-to-bars
20 double-unders
3 strict toes-to-bars
10 double-unders
For the strict toes-to-bar, work to to keep the legs together and as straight as flexibility will allow. If you are unable to complete the movement, modify to a strict hanging knee raise, or seated leg raise.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
15 strict hanging knee raises
50 double-unders
12 strict hanging knee raises
40 double-unders
9 strict hanging knee raises
30 double-unders
6 strict hanging knee raises
20 double-unders
3 strict hanging knee raises
10 double-unders
Beginner Option:
For time:
15 seated leg raises
50 single-unders
12 seated leg raises
40 single-unders
9 seated leg raises
30 single-unders
6 seated leg raises
20 single-unders
3 seated leg raises
10 single-unders
Tuesday 231212
Meet Guest Programmer – Michele Letendre: Dec. 4-17, 2023.
For time:
12 wall walks
10 wall-ball shots
9 wall walks
10 wall-ball shots
6 wall walks
10 wall-ball shots
3 wall walks
10 wall-ball shots
♀ 14-lb ball to 10-ft target
♂ 20-lb ball to 12-ft target
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Goal: Midline and upper-body endurance. Aim to finish in 10 minutes or less.
This workout will give us a dose of humble pie. The first set of wall walks is a high number and will keep us busy for upward of a minute to 1:30. In contrast, the wall-ball shots will likely take the same amount of time each round, which means the first 2 rounds of wall walks will compound quickly. The higher target for the wall-ball shots adds an element of difficulty that will increase the demand on the core, making the wall walks much more difficult. To make things even more challenging, the arms are overhead for a good portion of the workout.
If you can't throw higher, throw heavier.
Michelle Duke, one of our coaches, is the creator of this workout and has already tested it. She has offered us some words of wisdom:
– Warm up the wall ball to the 10-foot target because that first set can take you by surprise.
– The wall balls were enough to slow down my wall walks.
– The shoulders will fatigue but the demand on the core had my wall walks feeling really sloppy.
This means:
– Get a good warm-up.
– Focus on proper mechanics and positioning for the wall walks: Tight hollow body, neutral spine and short steps.
Intermediate option:
For time:
12 scaled wall walks
10 wall-ball shots
9 scaled wall walks
10 wall-ball shots
6 scaled wall walks
10 wall-ball shots
3 scaled wall walks
10 wall-ball shots
♀ 14-lb ball to 9-ft target
♂ 20-lb ball to 10-ft target
Intermediate athletes will use the standard loads and target heights for the wall-ball shots. Since athletes will not get fully inverted, they may find their cores to be even more challenged.
Beginner option:
For time:
12 inchworms
10 wall-ball shots
9 inchworms
10 wall-ball shots
6 inchworms
10 wall-ball shots
3 inchworms
10 wall-ball shots
♀ 8-lb ball to 8-ft target
♂ 10-lb ball to 9-ft target
This workout will challenge core endurance. For beginners, the inchworm requires flexibility, a tight core, and weight transfer in the shoulders. Athletes can perform the inchworms moving forward or inching out to the plank position and backward to a standing position. The first 12 inchworms should take 1:00-1:30. The wall-ball shots should be done with a comfortable weight and athletes should aim for 10 unbroken reps throughout.
The Wall Walk
The Wall-Ball Shot
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Thursday 230309
For 15 minutes:
Toes-to-bar ladder + burpees
For the ladder pattern, perform one toes-to-bar the first minute, followed by max reps burpees. Perform two toes-to-bars the second minute + max reps burpees. Perform three toes-to-bars the third minute + max reps burpees, continuing for 15 minutes or until failure to complete the toes-to-bars within the minute.
Post total number of burpees to comments.
This couplet will tax your midline. Work on quick transitions and challenge yourself to get as far as possible. Every rep counts. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as written. If you do not yet have toes-to-bars, modify to hanging knee raises or sit-ups.
Beginner Option:
For 10 minutes:
Hanging knee raise ladder + burpees
For the ladder pattern, perform one hanging knee raise the first minute, followed by max reps burpees. Perform two hanging knee raises the second minute + max reps burpees. Perform three hanging knee raises the third minute + max reps burpees, continuing for 10 minutes.
Thursday 220428
For time:
10 wall walks
30 box jumps
30 strict knees-to-elbows
30 box jumps
30 strict toes-to-bars
30 box jumps
10 wall walks
♀ 20 in ♂ 24 in
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If you are not proficient in the handstand, review the article “Handstands,” and practice the drills provided as well as the safety tips for bailing out. Reduce the range of motion on the wall walks to a distance you can comfortably support yourself in while inverted. For example, begin the movement in a plank with your feet touching the wall, walk your feet up the wall while keeping both hands on the ground, then walk your feet back to a plank.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
10 wall walks
30 box jumps
20 strict knees-to-elbows
30 box jumps
20 strict toes-to-bars
30 box jumps
10 wall walks
♀ 20 in ♂ 24 in
Beginner Option:
For time:
10 scaled wall walks
30 box jumps
30 hanging knee-raises
30 box jumps
30 hanging knee-raises
30 box jumps
10 scaled wall walks
♀ 12 in ♂ 18 in