AMRAP in 20 minutes
20 Alternating Pistols
20 Burpees
15 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
6 Muscle-Ups
Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)
11 Rounds for Time (with a Partner)
4 Rope Climbs (15 ft)
20 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Clusters (45/35 lb)
13 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
Time Cap: 40 minutes
Phantom of the Opera
AMRAP in 20 minutes
250 meter Run
48 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
21 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
14 Toes-to-Bars
Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)
Ahmaud Arbery
4 Rounds for Time
400 meter Run
2 minute Plank Hold (cumulative)
23 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
20 Alternating Kettlebell Snatches (50/35 lb)
Wod Type: For TimeMemorial Wods
4 Rounds for Time
11 Push-Ups
7 Squat Cleans (155/105 lb)
27 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
7 Squat Cleans (155/105 lb)
11 Pull-Ups
19 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
Wod Type: For TimeMemorial Wods
For Time
100 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
100 calorie Row
100 Wall Ball Shots (10/7 kg)
100 calorie Row
100 Deadlifts (60/40 kg)
100 calorie Row
100 Box Jump Overs (24/20 in)
Officer Nathan Martin
AMRAP in 20 minutes
6 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
4 Bar Muscle-Ups
74 Double-Unders
45 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Memorial Wods
Black Mamba
5 Rounds for Time
8 Burpee to Target Touch (30 cm)
24 Box Jumps (70/60 cm)
41 No-Squat Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)
*Every 3 minutes on the minute, perform:
50 meter Sprint with Medicine Ball (20/14 lb)
Wod Type: For TimeMemorial Wods
Mamba & Gigi
AMRAP in 18 minutes
5 Ring Muscle-Ups
8 Power Cleans (185/125 lb)
24 Box Jumps (30/24 in)
13 Burpees
Wod Type: For Rounds/Reps (AMRAP)Memorial Wods