Saturday 220115
Saturday 220115
CrossFit Games Event 10
For time:30 toes-to-bars
1.5-mile run
30 toes-to-bars
1.5-mile run
30 toes-to-barsPost time to comments.
With a total of 90 toes-to-bars and 3 miles of running, this is a longer style workout that will test your muscle stamina and endurance. Reduce the reps and distance to complete your effort in 30 minutes or less.Intermediate Option:
For time, with a 30 minute timecap:
30 toes-to-bars
1.5-mile run
30 toes-to-bars
1.5-mile run
30 toes-to-barsBeginner Option:
For time:
15 knee raises
0.75-mile jog
15 knee raises
0.75-mile jog
15 knee raises
Mayhem Daily Wod - 22114
Mayhem Daily Wod - 22114
Compete 5 Rounds 25' Handstand Walk 11 Deadlift (225/155) 25' Handstand Walk 7 Bar Muscle Ups
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Friday 220114
Friday 220114
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
3 overhead squats
30 double-unders
6 overhead squats
30 double-unders
9 overhead squats
30 double-unders
Etc.♀ 75 lb. ♂ 115 lb.
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Reduce the load to a weight you are able to snatch from the ground with ease, and hang on for bigger sets of overhead squats. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
3 overhead squats
30 single-unders
6 overhead squats
30 single-unders
9 overhead squats
30 single-unders
♀ 22 lb. ♂ 35 lb.
Mayhem Daily Wod - 22113
Mayhem Daily Wod - 22113
MAC 8 Min at SR 22-26 (Moderate Pace) 2 Min at SR 18-22 (Easy Pace) 2 Min at SR 26-30 (Fast Pace) -3 Min Rest- 5 Min at SR 22-26 (Moderate Pace) 2 Min at SR 18-22 (Easy Pace) 90 Sec at SR 30-32 (Faster Pace) -3 Min Rest- 1 Min at SR 22-26 (Moderate Pace) -NO REST- 1 Min at SR 34+ (Sprint)
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Thursday 220113
Thursday 220113
Power clean 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps
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Ideally, each set will be as heavy as possible, but newer athletes should start light and slowly add weight as they become comfortable.
Mayhem Daily Wod - 22112
Mayhem Daily Wod - 22112
WRD 10 Sets 20/16 Cal Row 10 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20) 20/16 Cal Row *Rest 1:1 between sets.
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Mayhem Daily Wod - 22111
Mayhem Daily Wod - 22111
Mayhem Gymnastics Using our % of week one 3 minute test. 20 Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps directly into 35% of your 3 minute test of Wall Walks from week one --rest 60 seconds-- 30 Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps directly into 30% of your 3 minute test of Wall Walks from week one --rest 90 seconds-- 40 Wall Facing Handstand Shoulder Taps directly into 20% of week one test Wall Walks Scaling: Use the box for Handstand Shoulder Taps and then go to wall to complete Wall Walks For example: If your 3 minute test was 12 wall walks 30% would be 3.6 but we will round up to 4 reps
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Tuesday 220111
Tuesday 220111
5 rounds, each for time, of:20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 sit-ups
50 squatsRest precisely three minutes between rounds.
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Compare to 201121.Scaling:
This is a classic benchmark workout with the goal of staying relatively consistent each round. If unable to finish each movement in 3 sets or less, decrease the reps by 5-10 per movement.Beginner Option:
3 rounds, each for time, of:
10 ring rows
15 push-ups
20 sit-ups
25 squatsRest precisely three minutes between rounds.
Mayhem Daily Wod - 22110
Mayhem Daily Wod - 22110
M30 3 sets: 3 Sets (1 Set every 5 minutes) 50 Air Squats 200m Run *BACKPACK OPTION: 3 Sets (1 Set every 5 minutes) 50 Backpack Back Squats 200m Backpack Run *All with 20/14# backpack/vest
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Monday 220110
Monday 220110
3 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
21 burpees
Run 400 metersPost time to comments.
Compare to 121102.Scaling:
Go hard and try to hold a steady pace throughout. Newer athletes can reduce the reps and distance in order to keep the time domain in the 15-18 minute range.Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
Row 350 meters
12 burpees
Run 200 meters