Wednesday 220105
Wednesday 220105
27-21-15 reps for time of:
Back squats
Handstand push-ups♀ 110 lb ♂ 165 lb
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Compare to 161020.Scaling:
Reduce the load in order to complete the reps in 1-3 sets with minimal rest.Intermediate Option:
27-21-15 reps of:
Back squats
21-15-9 reps of:
Handstand push-ups♀ 85 lb ♂ 125 lb
Beginner Option:
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Back squats
Push-ups♀ 35 lb ♂ 45 lb
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2314
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2314
Mayhem Gymnastics Test day: WRITE DOWN YOUR NUMBERS retest at end Max Effort: 3 minutes of Kipping Ring Muscle Ups --If you do NOT have Ring Muscle Ups see below--- Scaled Version: Max Effort: 3 minutes of Box Ring Muscle-Ups *The lower the box the more scaled the skill 9 minute EMOM minute 1: 9 Arch Snap to Support minute 2: 9 -15 Strict Ring Dips minute 3: 9-15 Chin Ups on rig
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Mayhem Daily Wod - 2213
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2213
M30 EMOM 21 Minutes Minute 1: 20 Glute Bridges Minute 2: 20 Alternating V-Ups Minute 3: 20 Box/Chair Step Ups (Total)
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Monday 220103
Monday 220103
Workout 11.3
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:Squat clean
Jerk♀ 110 lb ♂ 165 lb
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Compare to 210225.Scaling:
Reduce the load to a weight you’re able to string some reps together when fresh. Newer athletes should focus on mechanics of the squat clean and jerk.Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean
Jerk♀ 85 lb ♂ 125 lb
Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Squat clean
Jerk♀ 35 lb ♂ 45 lb
Sunday 220102
Sunday 220102
Workout 20.2
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:4 dumbbell thrusters
6 toes-to-bars
24 double-unders♀ 35-lb DBs ♂ 50-lb DBs
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Compare to 191018.Scaling:
Reduce the load and modify the movements in order to move at a consistent pace with minimal rest.Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
4 dumbbell thrusters 6 toes-to-bars
24 double-unders♀ 25-lb DBs ♂ 35-lb DBs
Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
4 dumbbell thrusters
6 hanging knee raises
24 single-unders♀ 10-lb DBs ♂ 15-lb DBs
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2211
Mayhem Daily Wod - 2211
Scaled AMRAP 2 Minutes 10/8 Calorie Bike Erg 6 Sandbag Cleans (70/50) 8 Muscle Ups (OR 16 Burpee Pull Ups) - Rest 1:00 after each 2:00. Continue until 8 total muscle ups have been accumulated - *Sub Row if needed *Sub Power Clean (95/65) if needed.
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Saturday 220101
Saturday 220101
Workout 13.1
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 17 minutes of:
40 burpees
30 snatches, weight 1
30 burpees
30 snatches, weight 2
20 burpees
30 snatches, weight 3
10 burpees
As many snatches as possible, weight 4♀ 45 / 75 / 100 / 120-lb snatches
♂ 75 / 135 / 165 / 210-lb snatchesPost reps completed to comments.
Compare to 130307.Scaling:
Beginner level athletes should spend time drilling the snatch and practice the movement with light weights.Beginner Option:
Proceed through the sequence below completing as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
20 burpees
15 snatches, weight 1
15 burpees
15 snatches, weight 2
10 burpees
15 snatches, weight 3
5 burpees
As many snatches as possible, weight 4♀ 22 / 35 / 45 / 55-lb snatches
♂ 35 / 45 / 55 / 65-lb snatches
Mayhem Daily Wod - 211231
Mayhem Daily Wod - 211231
Compete 3 Rounds 16 Overhead Squats (115/80) 24 GHD Sit Ups -At 10:00- 3 Rounds 16 Front Squats (115/80) 12 Strict Handstand Push Ups
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Mayhem Daily Wod - 211230
Mayhem Daily Wod - 211230
MAC 3 Sets: 3 Min SkiErg Hard, D1-2, w/20lb/14lb Vest or Ruck 1 Min SkiErg Easy, D8-10, w/20lb/14lb Vest or Ruck 1 Min Overhead Walking Lunges w/Medball (20lb/14lb) plus 20lb/14lb Vest or Ruck 3 Min SkiErg Easy, D1-2, w/20lb/14lb Vest or Ruck 1 Min SkiErg Hard, D8-10, w/20lb/14lb Vest or Ruck *Rest 2 Min between sets. Total: 31 Min
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Thursday 211230
Thursday 211230
4 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 hip extensionsPost time to comments.
Compare to 200612.Scaling:
Today’s workout involves a relatively high volume of hip extensions on the glute-ham developer (GHD). If you are less familiar with the GHD, or you do not have the machine, modify the movement to a good morning or deadlift.Intermediate Option:
4 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
20 hip extensionsBeginner Option:
4 rounds for time of:
Run 200 meters
15 PVC good mornings