Friday 230414
Friday 230414
15 minutes to drill the press to handstand
15 minutes to build to a heavy single power snatchPost press-to-handstand drills completed and snatch load to comments.
Watch Press to Handstand Progression: Plate Drill and Annie’s Press to Handstand Progression and work on the skill. For the second portion of your session, watch The Power Snatch and focus on going heavy from the ground to overhead. Beginners may choose skills practice such as plank holds or handstands. All athletes can go heavy in the power snatch, with newer athletes focusing on solid mechanics.
Wednesday 230412
Wednesday 230412
Five 3-minute rounds of:
10 front squats
10 box jumps
Row for max calories.Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
♀ 125-lb front squat, 30-in box
♂ 185-lb front squat, 36-in boxPost calories rowed each round to comments.
Compare to 180217.Scaling:
Pick loads, rep numbers, and a box height that allow you to get through the squats and jumps with a minute or so to row. However, you should need to sprint through the squats and box jumps to earn that time. The 3-minute rest will let you recover to sprint again in the next interval. Adjust after the first round if needed.Intermediate Option:
Five 3-minute rounds of:
10 front squats
10 box jumps
Row for max calories.Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
♀ 95-lb squat, 24-in box
♂ 135-lb squat, 30-in boxBeginner Option:
Four 3-minute rounds of:
10 front squats
10 box step-ups
Row for max calories.Rest 3 minutes between rounds.
♀ 55-lb squat, 16-in box
♂ 75-lb squat, 20-in box
Tuesday 230411
Tuesday 230411
For time:
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squatsPost time to comments.
Compare to 210721.Scaling:
This chipper should push your muscular stamina while being metabolically taxing. Drop the reps and modify the movements for the exercises you struggle with. Try to avoid any one exercise taking more than 8 minutes.Intermediate Option:
For time:
60 pull-ups
60 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squatsBeginner Option:
For time:
50 ring rows
50 knee push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 squats
Monday 230410
Monday 230410
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 deadlifts
3 strict bar muscle-ups♀ 205-lb deadlift
♂ 315-lb deadliftPost rounds completed to comments.
Similar to 180616.Scaling:
This couplet combines a heavy weightlifting movement and a high-skill gymnastics movement. Pick a deadlift weight that is heavy but can be performed unbroken in the beginning. Modify the muscle-up to a pulling movement that is challenging for you.Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 deadlifts
3 bar muscle-ups♀ 185-lb deadlift
♂ 275-lb deadliftBeginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 deadlifts
5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups♀ 105-lb deadlift
♂ 155-lb deadlift
Saturday 230408
Saturday 230408
Sadie Jane
Complete as many rounds as possible in 23 minutes:
16 shuttle runs (each 25-ft length is 1 rep)
9 bar-facing burpees
3 power cleans♀125 lb ♂ 185 lb
Sadie Jane Huffer, 37, died on Feb. 17, 2023, when a roof collapsed in Anchorage, Alaska, at Turnagain CrossFit.
Huffer was a beloved wife, mother, daughter, and friend. She was born in Seattle, Washington, and ended up in Anchorage for college at the University of Alaska. Huffer graduated with a bachelor's and master's degree in social work and went on to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
Described by loved ones as sensitive, loving, and caring, her hobbies included knitting, blueberry picking, making bread, smoking salmon, and working out at Turnagain CrossFit.
Huffer is survived by her husband, John Paul; children, Tyler, Blaise, and Jane; sisters, Sarah Ransom and Samantha Lamphier; and parents, Denise and Ted Smith.
A memorial workout event is being held by Huffer's Turnagain CrossFit family on April 8, at 7 p.m. at the Dome in Anchorage. To help Huffer's family during this time, you may donate here.
Most athletes should be able to maintain the format and rep scheme of this workout. Reduce the load on the power cleans to a weight that allows you to maintain solid mechanics. Quick singles are acceptable.Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 23 minutes:16 shuttle runs (each 25-ft length is 1 rep)
9 bar-facing burpees
3 power cleans♀105 lb ♂ 155 lb
Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 23 minutes:16 shuttle runs (each 25-ft length is 1 rep)
9 bar-facing burpees
3 power cleans♀55 lb ♂ 75 lb
Friday 230407
Friday 230407
Split jerk 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 220405.Scaling:
Most athletes can attempt the split jerk sets. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes can use this workout as an opportunity to drill the movement.
Thursday 230406
Thursday 230406
On a 25-minute clock, 5 rounds of:
Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 secondsPost total distance rowed to comments.
Compare to 211003.Scaling:
There is no need to modify the structure of this workout. Fatigue will become an issue as the rounds progress, so less fit athletes should decrease the number of rounds. Vary your intensity as the intervals change. When the work times are shorter, row harder.Intermediate Option:
On a 20-minute clock, 4 rounds of:
Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 secondsBeginner Option:
On a 15-minute clock, 3 rounds of:
Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds
Tuesday 230404
Tuesday 230404
3 rounds for time of:
30 dumbbell snatches
30 toes-to-bars♀ 35-lb DB ♂ 50-lb DB
Post time to comments.
The dumbbell work is meant to be fast and should not slow you down. Choose lighter loads to keep the intensity high, and select toes-to-bars modifications that allow you to complete the reps in about 4-5 sets. Avoid laboring for singles or very small sets.Intermediate Option:
3 rounds for time of:
30 dumbbell snatches
30 toes-to-bars♀25-lb DB ♂ 35-lb DB
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
20 dumbbell snatches
20 hanging knee raises♀10-lb DB ♂ 15-lb DB
Monday 230403
Monday 230403
Back squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Post loads to comments.
Compare to 220705.Scaling:
Athletes at all skill levels should perform triples. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes can use this workout as an opportunity to drill the movement.
Sunday 230402
Sunday 230402
AGQF Test 3
For time:
50 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50 ft)
7 rope climbs
25 bench presses
7 rope climbs
50 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50 ft)♀ 125 lb ♂ 185 lb
Post time to comments.
Reduce the reps of shuttle runs in order to keep that portion under 5 minutes. If you are new to the rope climb, watch The Rope Climb (Basket) and The Rope Climb (Wrapping) and practice the wrapping styles, but consider modifying the movement for the workout. If you do not have access to a climbing rope, the towel pull-up is a comparable option. Reduce the load on the bench press in order to perform large sets.Intermediate option:
For time:
50 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50 ft)
5 rope climbs
25 bench presses
5 rope climbs
50 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50 ft)♀ 105 lb ♂ 155 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
30 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50 ft)
7 rope climbs, lying to standing
25 bench presses
7 rope climbs, lying to standing
30 shuttle runs (1 rep = 50 ft)♀ 55 lb ♂ 75 lb