Wednesday 250212
Wednesday 250212
Power Amanda
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Power snatches♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lbPost time to comments.
Compare to similar 220407.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Amanda is a classic benchmark workout. Typically, this workout is performed with a squat snatch, however, today we are going to perform a power snatch. Most athletes should aim to complete the workout in 12 minutes or less. Some more advanced athletes could finish in 5 minutes or less.Scaling:
Reduce the volume of the muscle-ups. Athletes who have muscle-ups, but not the overall volume, should consider reducing the repetitions to 7-5-3 or 4-3-2.To adjust the complexity of the muscle-ups, perform a jumping muscle-up, low-ring transition, or ring rows and push-ups. For the power snatch, perform a hang power snatch, a hang muscle snatch, or a dumbbell snatch.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing low-ring transitions, or ring rows and push-ups. For the power snatch, consider a hang power clean or single-arm dumbbell snatch.
Intermediate option:
For time:
Power snatches♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lbBeginner option:
9-7-5 reps for time of:
Ring rows
Power snatches♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbCoaching cues:
The third pull in the snatch is you pulling yourself underneath the object, not the object up to you. After you extend your hips, pull yourself under the barbell.Resources:
The Kipping Muscle-Up
The Power Snatch
The Ring Row
The Push-UpFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 250211
Tuesday 250211
Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
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Compare to 230128.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today is a heavy day. Keep in mind, heavy is relative to each athlete's capacity and experience. As long as you are working to your limits, you will benefit from today’s effort. Experienced athletes should build to a heavy set of 5 and plan to go as heavy as possible across all sets. Newer athletes should start light, focus on mechanics, and slowly add weight as they are comfortable.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain safety and the integrity of the lift.To adjust the complexity of the lift, consider performing a goblet squat with a dumbbell or kettlebell.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider squatting with a single dumbbell or kettlebell. You can also lunge with a load or perform an unloaded air squat.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.Coaching cues:
Throughout the squat, imagine your feet are screws and you are trying to screw them into the ground. In doing so, you will create better contact with the ground and keep your knees tracking over your toes.Resources:
The Back Squat
The Squat: Points of PerformanceFind a gym near you:
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Monday 250210
Monday 250210
For time:
2,400-meter run
150 burpees
2,400-meter runIf you’ve got a weight vest or body armor, wear it.
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Compare to 140928.
Army Sgt. 1st Class Riley G. Stephens, 39, of Tolar, Texas, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group (Airborne), died Sept. 28, 2012, in Wardak, Afghanistan, of wounds caused by enemy small-arms fire. Stephens is survived by his wife Tiffany; children, Austin, Morgan, and Rylee Ann; parents, Michael and Joann; brother Ken; and several family members.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s Hero workout is a longer-duration effort. This is meant to be a grind, so expect this workout to take up to 60 minutes. Each run and the burpees should take no more than 20 minutes to complete (each). Athletes who are capable of completing this workout in 35 minutes or less can consider adding a weight vest or body armor. Most athletes should attempt this workout using their own body weight. Work hard and have fun.Scaling:
Reduce the distance of the run and the repetitions of the burpees.To adjust the complexity of the run, instead of reducing the distance, consider using a movement substitution like a bike or a rower. Perform 5,500 meters on an Echo bike or 2,500 meters on a rower or ski erg. For the burpees, reduce the range of motion by performing an up-down.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider the running substitutions mentioned above. For burpees, perform up-downs, push-ups, or mountain climbers.
Intermediate option:
For time:
2,400-meter run
150 burpees
2,400-meter runBeginner option:
For time:
1,200-meter run
50 burpees
1,200-meter runCoaching cues:
When you are performing the burpees, focus on jumping your feet to your hands and landing in your heels. This will help maximize efficiency across your reps.Resources:
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
Running | Change in Support Drill
The BurpeeFind a gym near you:
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Saturday 250208
Saturday 250208
For time:
30 handstand push-ups
30 deadlifts
30 ring dips
30 power cleans
30 pull-ups
30 thrusters♀ 155-lb deadlifts, 95-lb cleans, 65-lb thrusters
♂ 225-lb deadlifts, 135-lb cleans, 95-lb thrustersPost time to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a chipper and may look familiar. This mash-up fuses together three classic CrossFit benchmarks: Diane, Elizabeth, and Fran, but with fewer reps than the traditional 45 of each movement. That said, this should challenge you to keep moving and maintain larger chunks of reps. All athletes should use options that allow them to finish in 15 minutes or less. Advanced athletes may be able to go sub-10.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of each barbell to something that feels moderate-to-light for each movement and that you can complete in sets of at least 10 while fresh.To reduce the complexity of the handstand push-up, perform a pike push-up or dumbbell shoulder press. For the ring dips, lower the rings to a position that allows your feet to touch the ground. Then use them to help you move through the range of motion. For the pull-ups, perform a jumping pull-up or ring row. For the barbell movements, reduce the loading to something that allows you to focus on the technique and move safely.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider using a single dumbbell for most of the movements. Perform a single-arm shoulder press for the handstand push-ups, a dumbbell sumo deadlift for the deadlift or an unweighted good morning, a push-up or dumbbell floor press for the ring dips, a single-arm dumbbell power clean for the power cleans, a single-arm ring row for the pull-ups, and a single-arm dumbbell thruster, dumbbell front squat, or dumbbell push press for the thruster.
Intermediate option:
For time:
30 handstand push-ups
30 deadlifts
30 ring dips
30 power cleans
30 pull-ups
30 thrusters♀ 125-lb deadlifts, 65-lb cleans, 55-lb thrusters
♂ 185-lb deadlifts, 95-lb cleans, 75-lb thrustersBeginner option:
For time:
20 dumbbell shoulder presses
20 deadlifts
20 foot-assisted ring dips
20 power cleans
20 ring rows
20 thrusters♀ 10-lb dumbbells, 55-lb deadlifts, 35-lb cleans, 35-lb thrusters
♂ 15-lb dumbbells, 75-lb deadlifts, 45-lb cleans, 45-lb thrustersCoaching cues:
For the power cleans in today’s workout, it may be tempting to perform muscle cleans or use more upper body. Be cautious as the next movement is pull-ups. Instead, focus on using your legs and pulling into a partial squat.Resources:
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up
The Deadlift
The Ring Dip
The Power Clean
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Thruster
Ring Dip Scaling
The Ring RowFind a gym near you:
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Friday 250207
Friday 250207
On a 12-minute clock, complete:
75 wall-ball shots
800-meter run
Max burpee box jump-overs♀ 14-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 24-inch box
♂ 20-lb ball to a 10-foot target and 30-inch boxPost reps to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a challenge. The goal is to finish the wall-ball shots and run as quickly as possible, and then complete as many burpee box jump-overs as possible in the remaining time. Both the wall-ball shots and the run should take no more than 5 minutes each to complete. This will leave you with at least 2 minutes to complete burpee box jump-overs. Push the pace from the beginning and hold on for the ride.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the wall-ball shots to maintain at least 15 reps per minute. If needed, reduce the reps as well as the load. Reduce the distance of the run to hit the intended time domain.To reduce the complexity of the wall-ball shot, consider reducing the height of the target or simply performing a thruster with the medicine ball. For the burpee box jump-overs, reduce the height of the box or perform box step-overs.
In case of an injury or limitation, perform a medicine-ball front squat or push press. For the 800-meter run, consider biking 1,750/2,500 meters on an Echo bike or rowing 800/1,000 meters. On the burpee box jump-overs, perform up-downs in place of the burpee and step-ups to a low target for box jumps.
Intermediate option:
On a 12-minute clock, complete:
75 wall-ball shots
800-meter run
Max burpee box jump-overs♀ 10-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 20-inch box
♂ 14-lb ball to a 10-foot target and 24-inch boxBeginner option:
On a 12-minute clock, complete:
50 wall-ball shots
400-meter run
Max burpee box step-overs♀ 6-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 12-inch box
♂ 10-lb ball to a 10-foot target and 20-inch boxCoaching cues:
To increase your pace on the burpee box jump-overs, begin rotating on top of the box and step down facing the box before going into your next rep.Resources:
The Wall-Ball Shot
Running: Falling Forward Drill
Burpee Box Jump-OverFind a gym near you:
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Wednesday 250205
Wednesday 250205
10 rounds for time of:
7/10-calorie Echo bike
1 legless rope climb to 15 feetPost time to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a back-and-forth “sprint.” While the workout, in its entirety, should be completed in 15 minutes or less, each round should be a sprint. Choose options that allow you to keep each round to 90 seconds or less.Scaling:
Reduce the calories on the bike and the height of the rope climb.To reduce the complexity of the legless rope climb, perform the movement with assistance from your legs or reduce the height of the climb.
In case of an injury or limitation, perform pull-to-stands in place of the rope climb. For the calories on the bike, consider a 150-meter row or a 150-meter run.
Intermediate option:
7 rounds for time of:
7/10-calorie Echo bike
1 legless rope climb to 12 feetBeginner option:
5 rounds for time of:
6/8-calorie Echo bike
2 pull-to-standsCoaching cues:
Use your legs to generate momentum on the legless rope climbs. Work on timing your right leg with your right arm and vice versa. As one leg thrusts upward, that arm should then reach for the next grab on the rope.Resources:
Rogue Echo Bike
The Legless Rope Climb
Modified Rope Climb: Pull-to-StandFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 250204
Tuesday 250204
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30-second handstand hold
30-second squat hold
30-second L-sit hold
30-second chin-over-bar holdPost rounds completed to comments.
Compare to 220610.
Stimulus and Strategy
Today’s workout is a unique effort. It’s hard to measure or quantify the work being accomplished when we perform a static hold, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t challenging or productive. As you will see, static holds challenge the stamina of our muscles and our drive to mentally overcome negative thoughts. Most athletes can maintain the structure of this workout. Choose static hold modifications that allow you to hold for 20-30 seconds at a time. Rest as needed between movements and sets.Scaling:
To reduce the complexity of the handstand hold, consider holding a pike position with your feet on a box or the floor. For the L-sit hold, bending your knees will make the movement easier. For the chin-over-bar hold, consider using a band or putting your feet on a box.In case of injury or limitation, hold a single dumbbell overhead in place of the handstand hold. For the L-sit hold, perform a seated leg lift with one or both legs. For the chin-over-bar hold, use a pair of rings like you would to perform ring rows; pull the rings to your chest and hold at your chest.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30-second pike hold with feet on a box
30-second squat hold
30-second L-sit hold with knees bent
30-second chin-over-bar holdBeginner option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
30-second plank hold
30-second squat hold
30-second hollow body hold
30-second dead hang holdCoaching cues:
In the squat hold, challenge yourself to hold an active position. This means finding a bottom position where your back is neutral, knees are in line with your toes, weight is balanced in your feet, and your hip crease is below your knees.Resources:
The Handstand Hold
The L-Sit
Plank Variations
The L-Sit at Home
Gymnastics Course | Hollow Body PositionFind a gym near you:
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Monday 250203
Monday 250203
7 sets for load of:
1 snatch-grip deadlift
1 snatch pull
1 snatch
1 overhead squatPost loads to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a heavy day with a snatch complex. The goal is to build across each set, working up as heavy as possible. Keep in mind that heavy is relative to each person's capacity and technique. Do not increase the loading if safety or technique are in jeopardy. As you complete each set, a regrip is allowed between the deadlift and snatch pull, and after the snatch pull. However, do not spend more than 10 seconds between movements. The snatch can be performed as a power or squat variation.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the barbell to maintain the integrity of each movement.To reduce the complexity of the movement, reduce the load to an empty barbell or PVC pipe. For the snatch, perform a hang power snatch.
In case of an injury or limitation, perform this complex with a clean variation (clean-grip deadlift, clean pull, clean, and front squat). This complex can also be performed with a single dumbbell. For the overhead squat, consider an overhead lunge if overhead mobility is limited.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.Coaching cues:
Use the hips and legs to drive the barbell up, then press under the bar to receive it as high as possible. As the load increases, expect to receive the bar in a lower squat.Resources:
The Snatch
The Power Snatch
What Is a Snatch?Find a gym near you:
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Saturday 250201
Saturday 250201
For reps:
1 minute of double-unders
1 minute of alternating single-leg squats
1 minute of hang clean and jerks
2 minutes of double-unders
2 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
2 minutes of hang clean and jerks
3 minutes of double-unders
3 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
3 minutes of hang clean and jerks♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lbStimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout takes three movements and gives you an increasing amount of time to accumulate reps. If you are proficient in each movement, keep moving for as much of the interval as possible. Limit yourself to small breaks and push your thresholds in each movement. Less-experienced athletes should not push to failure or exhaustion because you will end up spending more time recovering. Instead, perform a few reps, take small breaks, and then continue to chip away. Expect the longer intervals to require more strategy in comparison to the single minute of work. Going all out for 2 or 3 minutes may not set you up for success in the following movement.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the barbell.To reduce the complexity of the double-under, perform single-unders, double-under attempts, or a mix of both. For the single-leg squats, consider squatting to a target or performing a reverse lunge. For the hang clean and jerks, use one or two dumbbells.
In case of injury or limitation, perform calories on any machine in place of the double-unders. For the single-leg squats, consider performing a lunge or an air squat. For the hang clean and jerks, consider a muscle clean and shoulder press with a barbell or dumbbells. If you have an overhead limitation, you can also forgo the jerk and just perform the clean.
Intermediate option:
For reps:
1 minute of double-unders
1 minute of alternating single-leg squats
1 minute of hang clean and jerks
2 minutes of double-unders
2 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
2 minutes of hang clean and jerks
3 minutes of double-unders
3 minutes of alternating single-leg squats
3 minutes of hang clean and jerks♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lbBeginner option:
For reps:
1 minute of single-unders
1 minute of alternating reverse lunges
1 minute of hang clean and jerks
2 minutes of single-unders
2 minutes of alternating reverse lunges
2 minutes of hang clean and jerks
3 minutes of single-unders
3 minutes of alternating reverse lunges
3 minutes of hang clean and jerks♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbCoaching cues:
As you jump in the double-under, avoid letting your hands follow you upward. Instead, force your hands down as you jump up.Resources:
The Double-Under
The Single-Leg Squat
The Hang Clean
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Jerk
The Split JerkFind a gym near you:
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Friday 250131
Friday 250131
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee pull-upsSet the pull-up bar 6 inches above your reach.
♀ 185 lb
♂ 275 lbStimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout focuses on moving a heavier barbell with an elevated heart rate. The goal is to complete this workout in 15 minutes or less. Choose a weight for the barbell that allows you to complete consistent sets of 5 unbroken reps. For the burpee pull-ups, the set of 15 should take no more than 90 seconds to complete.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the barbell or the reps of either movement.To reduce the complexity of the deadlift, perform a sumo deadlift with a barbell or kettlebell. For the burpee pull-ups, perform an up-down instead of the burpee and lower the pull-up bar to allow you to use your legs more.
In case of injury or limitation, perform a light or unloaded good morning in place of the deadlift. For the burpee pull-ups, perform an up-down in place of the burpees and a ring row for the pull-ups.
Intermediate option:
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee pull-upsSet the pull-up bar at your fingertips when your arms are extended overhead.
♀ 135 lb
♂ 205 lbBeginner option:
12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee jumping pull-upsSet the pull-up bar at the middle of your forearms when your arms are extended overhead.
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbCoaching cues:
On the burpee pull-up, don’t waste time after completing the pull-up. Immediately get back to the ground and “rest” in the bottom of the burpee. Just don’t get caught lying on the ground for too long.Resources:
The Deadlift
Burpee Pull-UpFind a gym near you:
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