Wednesday 240410
Wednesday 240410
For time:
75 power snatches♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbCompare to 230619.
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Today's workout is in honor of Randy Simmons, 51, a 27-year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member who was killed Feb. 7, 2008, in the line of duty. He is survived by his wife, Lisa; son, Matthew; and daughter, Gabrielle.
Today’s Hero workout is a sprint. The loading should feel light (very light for some). Reduce the load so you can perform multiple reps unbroken and complete all the reps in less than 8 minutes. Athletes who are less familiar with Olympic lifting should take time to drill the mechanics of the snatch and reduce the load and reps.Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’dBeginner option:
For time:
50 power snatches♀ 15-35 lb
♂ 25-45 lbResources:
The Power Snatch
Jonne Koski Sets Randy Record at the 2015 RegionalsVisit CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts to see the six newest CrossFit Hero workouts: Triple Deuce, TPT9000, Garbo, McCartney, Wesley, and Hammy.
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Photo: 2024 CrossFit for Health Summit in Austin, Texas
Tuesday 240409
Tuesday 240409
3 rounds for time of:
10 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups
20 hand-release push-ups
30 dumbbell front-rack walking lunges♀ 20 lb
♂ 35 lbPost times to comments.
Today’s triplet has a short to moderate time domain, depending on your ability to manage your strict gymnastics strength and stamina. Perform this workout as prescribed if you can complete at least 3 unbroken strict chest-to-bar pull-ups and 5-7 hand-release push-ups without deviation of your midline (aka “snaking” your push-ups). The loading of the lunges in this workout should be light enough that you can perform each round unbroken. Don’t stop moving on the lunges, and challenge yourself to perform one more pull-up or push-up before breaking on each round.Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
10 strict chin-over-bar pull-ups
20 hand-release push-ups
30 dumbbell front-rack walking lunges♀ 15 lb
♂ 25 lbBeginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
10 ring rows
15 hand-release push-ups (from the knees)
20 unweighted walking lungesResources:
The Strict Chest-to-bar Pull-up
The Push-up
See “Hand-release Push-ups” section in “A Fresh Take on the Lowly Push-up”
The Walking Lunge
The Strict Pull-up
The Ring RowFind a gym near you:
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Taken by Charlotte Foerschler at CrossFit Krypton in Chesapeake, Virginia.
Monday 240408
Monday 240408
5 sets:
On a 2-minute clock:
400-meter run
Complete as many knees-to-elbows as possible in the remaining time.Rest 2 minutes between sets.
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Today’s workout contains five sprints. The pace is meant to be pushed on each run so you can give yourself as much time as possible to perform knees-to-elbows. Scale the distance of the run to give yourself at least 20 seconds on the pull-up bar. Work hard and have fun today.Intermediate option:
5 sets:
On a 2-minute clock:
300-meter run
Complete as many knees-to-elbows as possible in the remaining time.Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Beginner option:
5 sets:
On a 2-minute clock:
200-meter run
Complete as many hanging knee raises as possible in the remaining time.Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Efficiency Tips: Knees-to-elbows/Toes-to-bar With Chris Spealler
Hanging Knee Raises
See the “Interval Training” section in “What Is Fitness?” to learn more about which energy pathway this workout trains.Find a gym near you:
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Taken at CrossFit Fury in Goodyear, Arizona.
Saturday 240406
Saturday 240406
For time:
Overhead squats10-12-14-16-18-20-18-16-14-12-10
Calorie row♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lbPost time to comments.
This couplet is intended to challenge your self-awareness and pacing. Choose a moderately light overhead squat weight that enables you to complete each set unbroken. Row as fast as you can but not so fast that you need to break up the squat sets or rest before picking up the barbell.Intermediate option:
For time:
Overhead squats10-12-14-16-18-20-18-16-14-12-10
Calorie row♀ 55 lb
♂ 95 lbBeginner option:
For time:
Overhead squats12-16-20-16-12
Calorie row♀ 35 lb or PVC
♂ 45 lb or PVCResources:
The Overhead Squat
The Row
Row Pro: Calories vs. MetersFind a gym near you:
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Taken by Ruby Wolff during a Level 2 Seminar at CrossFit Marrickville in Marrickville, Australia.
Friday 240405
Friday 240405
For time:
40 GHD sit-ups
4 legless rope climbs, 15 feet
800-meter run
30 GHD sit-ups
3 legless rope climbs
400-meter run
20 GHD sit-ups
2 legless rope climbs
200-meter runPost time to comments.
Today’s workout has a moderate time domain and comprises a single round with decreasing reps and distances. With your midline being a major factor in this workout, expect the GHD sit-ups to interfere with your rope climbs and runs. Advanced athletes should push the pace on the runs and try to go unbroken on the GHD sit-ups. Less-experienced athletes should pace the runs to set themselves up for success with the sit-ups and rope climbs.Intermediate option:
For time:20 GHD sit-ups (to parallel)
3 rope climbs, 15 feet
800-meter run
15 GHD sit-ups (to parallel)
2 rope climbs
400-meter run
10 GHD sit-ups (to parallel)
1 rope climbs
200-meter runBeginner option:
For time:20 sit-ups
10 lying to standing
400-meter run
15 sit-ups
7 lying to standing
200-meter run
10 sit-ups
5 lying to standing
100-meter runResources:
The Legless Rope Climb
The Rope Climb (Basket)
The Rope Climb (Wrapping)
The GHD Sit-up
The AbMat Sit-up
Run Warm-up With Chris HinshawFind a gym near you:
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Taken by RXdPhotography at CrossFit Connect in Brighton, United Kingdom
Wednesday 240403
Wednesday 240403
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
8 ring dips
8 sumo deadlift high pulls
16 double-unders♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lbPost reps to comments.
Expect to go around and around the merry-go-round in today’s workout. The rep volume is low, and so is the loading. This should allow you to push the pace for the entire duration of the workout. Advanced athletes should try to maintain unbroken reps for as many sets as possible. Less-experienced athletes should scale the movements to perform a single round in 2 minutes or less. That said, we could see advanced athletes maintaining a single round every minute.Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:8 jumping ring dips
8 sumo deadlift high pulls
16 double-unders♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbBeginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:8 foot-assisted ring dips
8 sumo deadlift high pulls
16 single-unders♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbResources:
The Ring Dip
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull
The Double-under
The Single-underFind a gym near you:
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Taken by Charlotte Foerschler at CrossFit Krypton in Chesapeake, Virginia.
Tuesday 240402
Tuesday 240402
For load:
Back squat
3-3-3-3-3Compare to 230403.
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Today’s workout is a heavy day. Advanced and intermediate athletes should perform triples, while less-experienced athletes should perform a few more reps and focus on the quality of their movement. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible and push to hit a new 3-rep max. Less-experienced athletes should work at submaximal loads, working to refine their technique and dial in consistent movement patterns.Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’dBeginner option:
For load:Back squat
The Back Squat
WOD Demo: 5x5 Back Squat With Jesse BurdickFind a gym near you:
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Taken at the 2022 CrossFit Games Mock Affiliate.
Monday 240401
Monday 240401
For time:
90 burpees to a target (12 inches above your reach)
45 bar muscle-upsAlternate and break the two exercises up into as many sets as needed to complete the workout as quickly as possible.
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In today’s gymnastics couplet, you can choose your own adventure — break the two exercises up and alternate between them however you need. Expect muscle fatigue to be a factor in this workout. Advanced athletes can try to maintain larger sets on the bar muscle-ups, while less-experienced athletes may choose to break the two movements into sets that minimize fatigue and allow for minimal rest. Breaks and rest periods are inevitable, however, aim to avoid hitting failure on either movement.Intermediate option:
For time:70 burpees to a target (6 inches above your reach)
35 chest-to-bar pull-upsAlternate and break the two exercises up into as many sets as needed to complete the workout as quickly as possible.
Beginner option:
For time:50 burpees
25 jumping pull-upsAlternate and break the two exercises up into as many sets as needed to complete the workout as quickly as possible.
The Burpee
The Kipping Bar Muscle-up
The Kipping Chest-to-bar Pull-up
The Kipping Pull-up
Coaches Corner: The Jumping Pull-upFind a gym near you:
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Taken by Tai Randall during Open Workout 24.3 at CrossFit Tradition in Port Saint Lucie, Florida.
Saturday 240330
Saturday 240330
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 box jumps
30 wall-ball shots♀ 20-inch box, 14-lb ball
♂ 24-inch box, 20-lb ballCompare to 230709.
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This benchmark workout was first posted on on April 10, 2005. Kelly is long and metabolically taxing. Choose distances, weights, heights, and reps that keep you moving for no more than 20-30 minutes. Athletes of any level should consider stepping down from the top of the box.Intermediate option:
4 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 box jumps
30 wall-ball shots♀ 20-inch box, 14-lb ball
♂ 24-inch box, 20-lb ballBeginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
20 box step-ups
30 squats♀ 12-inch box
♂ 20-inch boxResources:
The Box Jump
The Wall-ball Shot
The Box Step-up
The Air Squat
Coach Kelly Kelly Does KellyFind a gym near you:
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Taken at CrossFit Fury in Goodyear, Arizona.
Friday 240329
Friday 240329
30 clean and jerks for time
30 snatches for time
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lbPost your workout choice, time, and load to comments.
Compare to 230207.
Grace was first posted on on June 24, 2004, and Isabel on Nov. 11, 2004. They are two of the fastest CrossFit benchmark workouts — top athletes can complete either of these workouts unbroken and in less than 1:30. Reduce the load as needed so you can perform multiple reps unbroken and complete the workout in less than 10 minutes. Athletes who are less familiar with Olympic lifting should take time to drill the mechanics and drastically reduce the load.Intermediate option:
30 clean and jerks for time
30 snatches for time♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lbBeginner option:
30 clean and jerks for time
30 snatches for time♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbResources:
The Clean and Jerk
The Power Snatch
Graciano Rubio Does 225-lb Grace
Kelly Friel Takes on 145-lb IsabelFind a gym near you:
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Taken by Nicolás Glenny at CrossFit Coraje in Madrid, Spain.