Wednesday 240424
Wednesday 240424
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
4 wall walks
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 single-dumbbell overhead walking lunges♀ 35 lb
♂ 50 lbScaling:
Today’s workout is a high-skill triplet. Choose scaling options that challenge you but allow you to maintain a consistent pace for the entire workout. Adjust movements, load, and volume if needed to complete each round in less than 3 minutes. Switch hands as needed on the overhead dumbbell lunges; otherwise, these reps should be unbroken. As you begin to fatigue, manage your rest and minimize the amount of time spent looking at the pull-up bar and/or lying on the ground.Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
2 wall walks
8 chin-over-bar pull-ups
12 single-dumbbell overhead walking lunges♀ 20 lb
♂ 35 lbBeginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
2 inchworm + push-ups
8 jumping pull-ups
12 single-dumbbell overhead walking lunges♀ 10 lb
♂ 15 lbResources:
The Wall Walk
The Kipping Chest-to-bar Pull-up
The Kipping Pull-up
Coaches Corner: The Jumping Pull-up
The Dumbbell Overhead Walking LungeFind a gym near you:
View the CrossFit mapFeatured photo:
Taken by Charlotte Foerschler at CrossFit Krypton in Chesapeake, Virginia.
Tuesday 240423
Tuesday 240423
For time:
Run 5,000 metersCompare to 230804 and log your time to the comments.
Fun fact: This is the most-programmed benchmark on Since 2001, this workout has been programmed 76 times. Today makes 77, and for good reason. If executed properly, this workout challenges the boundaries of human performance and requires no equipment. It's a fantastic test of stamina, endurance, and mental fortitude. Experienced athletes should try for a PR on this benchmark effort. Look back at your previous PR to help determine an appropriate pace. Newer athletes should reduce the distance to complete the run in no more than 20 minutes.Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’dBeginner option:
On a 20-minute clock for distance:
The Most Beautiful 5K
5K Run at Coast Range CrossFitFind a gym near you:
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Sunday 240421
Sunday 240421
Quarterfinals Workout 4
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 clean and jerks, weight 1
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 2
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 3
Rest 1 minute
Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4.♀ 85/125/155/165 lb
♂ 135/185/225/245 lbPost total reps to comments.
Welcome to the fourth and final workout of the 2024 CrossFit Games Quarterfinals! Today's workout is a clean-and-jerk ladder with ascending weights. This is a barbell stamina and conditioning test. The barbell load starts on the lighter side of moderate and builds its way up to relatively heavy. The first barbell should be a weight with which you can perform some touch-and-go reps, while the next three will require a bit more strategy. Consider performing fast singles with minimal rest between reps. If you are not signed up for the Quarterfinals, choose loads that challenge your ability but allow you to complete the reps at the first and second barbell. The third barbell should be tough to get through, and any reps with the fourth barbell should be considered a bonus.Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 clean and jerks, weight 1
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 2
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 3
Rest 1 minute
Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4.♀ 75/95/115/125 lb
♂ 115/135/155/185 lbBeginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 clean and jerks, weight 1
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 2
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 3
Rest 1 minute
Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4.♀ 35/45/55/65 lb
♂ 45/55/65/75 lbResources:
The Clean and Jerk
The Power Clean and Push JerkFind a gym near you:
View the CrossFit mapFeatured photo:
Taken by Peter Pan at CrossFit CSTL in Hong Kong, China.
Saturday 240420
Saturday 240420
Quarterfinals Workout 3
For time:
3 rounds:
10 handstand push-ups
20 toes-to-bars2 rounds:
10 strict handstand push-ups
5 rope climbs (15 feet)1 round:
10 chest-to-wall handstand push-ups
20 muscle-upsTime cap: 15 minutes
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Welcome to the third workout of the 2024 CrossFit Games Quarterfinals! This workout challenges upper-body gymnastics endurance and stamina. While push-pull combos usually feel complementary, expect shoulder fatigue from the different handstand push-up variations to make the rope climbs and muscle-ups significantly more challenging. To find success in this workout, break up each movement into smaller sets than you need to unless you're an elite-level competitor. Advanced athletes should perform large sets early, but not at the expense of staying consistent during the muscle-ups at the end. Beginner athletes should treat this workout like a 15-minute AMRAP. Move smoothly through the first 10 minutes, then push hard to finish faster in the final 5 minutes. This should allow most athletes to stay consistent and avoid burning out toward the end.Intermediate option:
For time:
3 rounds:
10 handstand push-ups
20 toes-to-bars2 rounds:
10 handstand push-ups
5 rope climbs (12 feet)1 round:
10 strict handstand push-up + 2-inch riser
20 muscle-upsTime cap: 15 minutes
Beginner option:
For time:
3 rounds:
10 push-ups
10 hanging knee raises2 rounds:
10 dumbbell push presses
5 pull-to-stands1 round:
10 dumbbell shoulder presses
20 low-ring muscle-up transitions♀ 10 lb
♂ 15 lbTime cap: 15 minutes
The Kipping Handstand Push-up
The Kipping Toes-to-bar
The Strict Handstand Push-up
Handstand Push-up Variations
The Rope Climb: Wrapping
The Rope Climb: Basket
The Kipping Muscle-up
The Push-up
The Dumbbell Push Press
The Modified Rope Climb
Muscle-up Progression on Low RingsFind a gym near you:
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2022 CrossFit Games Mock Affiliate
Friday 240419
Friday 240419
Quarterfinals Workout 2
3 rounds for time:
50 wall-ball shots
50 lateral burpee box jump-overs♀ 14-lb ball to a 9-foot target, 20-inch box
♂ 20-lb ball to a 10-foot target, 24-inch boxTime cap: 20 minutes
Post time to comments.
Welcome to the second workout of the 2024 CrossFit Games Quarterfinals! This leg- and lung-burner workout has a 20-minute cap. Those not recording a score for competition should scale accordingly to finish within this time. Advanced athletes should push for sub-13 minutes. Find a wall-ball shot load that allows for 10 or more reps at a time, and push the lateral burpee box jump-overs to get in 10 per minute. Scale as needed to hit these ranges. Those not competing in Quarterfinals should choose challenging variations that still allow for continuous movement. Consider taking short breaks during the wall-ball shots and burpees to help you keep moving throughout the workout. This one will be all about finding the line between pushing the pace and holding on for continuous movement.Find the Quarterfinals workout standards, scorecards, and more here.
Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time:
50 wall-ball shots
50 lateral burpee box jump-overs♀ 10-lb ball to a 9-foot target and 20-inch box
♂ 14-lb ball to a 10-foot target, 24-inch boxBeginner option:
3 rounds for time:
20 wall-ball shots
20 lateral burpee box step-overs♀ 6-lb ball to a 9-foot target, 12-inch box
♂ 10-lb ball to a 10-foot target, 20-inch boxResources:
The Wall-ball Shot
The Burpee
CAP Demo: Lateral Box Jump-overFind a gym near you:
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Thursday 240418
Thursday 240418
Quarterfinals Workout 1
4 rounds for max reps:
1 minute of snatches
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups
1 minute of rest♀ 85-lb barbell and 35-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch box
♂ 135 lb barbell and 50-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch boxPost total reps to comments.
Welcome to the first workout of the 2024 CrossFit Games Quarterfinals! Today's workout is a gut check. How bad do you want to push for another rep? None of the movements should be overly difficult or too heavy, so there is no reason to stop moving. The barbell should feel on the lighter side of moderate. You should be able to perform touch-and-go reps, however, under fatigue, you may choose to perform fast singles to keep moving.Choose a pace on the rower that is fast relative to your capacity but still allows you to get right to work on the dumbbell box step-ups. Your goal on the dumbbell box step-ups is to hold onto the dumbbells until the minute is up. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
Remember, there is no rest between movements, so accumulate as many reps as possible of each movement but leave time to transition to the next. Plan to stop with 5-10 seconds left in the minute to transition for all of the movements except the dumbbell box step-ups. During the minute of rest, try to control your breathing by taking deep breaths in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. If you are not signed up for the Quarterfinals, choose loads that challenge your ability but allow you to keep moving and hit the workout stimulus.
Intermediate option:
4 rounds for max reps:
1 minute of snatches
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups
1 minute of rest♀ 75-lb barbell and 20-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch box
♂ 115-lb barbell and 35-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch boxBeginner option:
4 rounds for max reps:
1 minute of snatches
1 minute of rowing for calories
1 minute of dumbbell box step-ups
1 minute of rest♀ 35-lb barbell and 10-lb dumbbells to a 12-inch box
♂ 45-lb barbell and 15-lb dumbbells to a 20-inch boxResources:
The Snatch
Rowing Technique
The Box Step-upFind a gym near you:
View the CrossFit mapFeatured photo:
Taken by Charlotte Foerschler at CrossFit Canvas in Caldwell, Idaho.
Tuesday 240416
Tuesday 240416
3 rounds for time of:
75 double-unders
15/21-calorie Echo bike
5 front squats♀ 155 lb
♂ 225 lbPost times to comments.
Today’s workout is meant to be a heavy sprint. Regardless of the other two movements, push the pace on the bike and don’t game it. Exiting the bike a little wobbly is what makes this workout fun. The 5 front squats should be tough and feel heavy; however, you should be able to clean the barbell to start the reps and perform each set unbroken.Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
35 double-unders
10/15-calorie Echo bike
5 front squats♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lbBeginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
75 single-unders
7/10-calorie Echo bike
5 front squats♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbResources:
The Double-under
The Front Squat
The Single-under
Shop: Rogue Echo BikeFind a gym near you:
View the CrossFit mapFeatured photo:
Taken by Meg Ellery at Ocean State CrossFit in Cranston, Rhode Island.
Monday 240415
Monday 240415
For time:
40 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
1,600-meter ruck
30 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
1,600-meter ruck
20 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
1,600-meter ruck♀ 30 lb
♂ 45 lbPost time to comments.
Today’s workout is meant to be a grind. The load of the ruck should allow you to complete at least 15-20 unbroken reps of the ground-to-overheads and to keep moving on each of the rucks. Newer athletes should move at a march pace and reduce the distance to complete each ruck in no more than 11 minutes. If you’re more experienced, feel free to pick up the pace.Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’dBeginner option:
For time:
20 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
800-meter ruck
15 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
800-meter ruck
10 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
800-meter ruck♀ 10 lb
♂ 15 lbResources:
Get GORUCK Ballistic Trainers™
An Intro to Rucking — Get StartedFind a gym near you:
View the CrossFit mapFeatured photo:
Taken by Nick Schrein for GORUCK in Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Saturday 240413
Saturday 240413
For time:
BurpeesPerform a 50-foot handstand walk after each set of burpees.
Post time to comments.
Today’s workout challenges your upper-body gymnastics stamina. Expect the fatigue from the burpees to have a dramatic impact on the handstand walks. Advanced athletes should push the pace on the burpees and try to maintain unbroken handstand walks. Less-experienced athletes should manage their pace on the burpees and rest as needed before kicking up. If you can perform a 50-foot handstand walk but can’t complete it in under 1 minute, scale the distance. Be cautious of upper-body fatigue. If you feel like you might collapse or buckle if you kick up, give yourself a chance to recover and gain confidence before continuing. Remember to continuously press into the floor and maintain an active position. Work hard and have fun with this one.Intermediate option:
For time:21-18-15-12-9-6-3
BurpeesPerform a 25-foot handstand walk after each set of burpees.
Beginner option:
For time:18-15-12-9-6-3
BurpeesPerform a 50-foot bear crawl after each set of burpees.
The Burpee
The Handstand Walk
The Bear CrawlFind a gym near you:
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2022 CrossFit Games affiliate owner workout
Friday 240412
Friday 240412
Fight Gone Bad
3 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of wall-ball shots
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of box jumps
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of rowing (calories)
Rest 1 minute♀ 14-lb ball to 9 feet, 55-lb SDHP and press, 20-inch box
♂ 20-lb ball to 10 feet, 75-lb SDHP and press, 20-inch boxPost total reps to comments and log your score in the CrossFit app (CrossFit Benchmarks are located in the "Progress" tab).
Compare to 230904.
Today’s workout is a classic CrossFit benchmark, originally created for an MMA fighter to simulate the feeling of a 3-round match. Although we are not fighting in this workout, it does pack a punch. Push to keep moving for as much of each minute as possible. Capitalize on movements you excel at and pace yourself on your weaker movements. Most athletes should be able to stick with the interval pattern. Beginners should reduce the loading and height of the box. Intermediate athletes can complete this workout as prescribed.Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’dBeginner option:
3 rounds for max reps of:
1 minute of wall-ball shots
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of box jumps
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of rowing (calories)
Rest 1 minute♀ 6-lb ball to 9 feet, 35-lb SDHP and press, 12-inch box
♂ 10-lb ball to 10 feet, 45-lb SDHP and press, 12-inch boxResources:
The Wall-ball Shot
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull
The Box Jump
The Push Press
Rowing TechniqueFind a gym near you:
View the CrossFit mapFeatured photo:
Taken by RXdPhotography during Open Workout 21.2 at Whitehart CrossFit in Pulborough, UK.