Wednesday 250226
Wednesday 250226
5 rounds for time of:
35 double-unders
200-meter runPost time to comments.
Compare to 220208.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today's workout is simple and effective. If it looks “too easy,” go faster. This is a short-to-moderate duration effort. If you can perform 35 double-unders in 2 minutes or less, do the workout as prescribed. Remember, on Friday we will be performing Open Workout 25.1 as the Workout of the Day. Moderate today’s effort accordingly.Scaling:
Reduce the reps of the double-unders and the distance of the run.To reduce the complexity of the double-unders, consider performing 2 minutes of double-under attempts or 35 single-unders.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the run with a 500/700-meter Echo bike, or a 200/250-meter row or ski erg. For the double-unders, consider jumping jacks or a low box step-up.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.Beginner option:
4 rounds for time of:
35 single-unders
200-meter runCoaching cues:
Focus on keeping your elbows and your hands close to your sides as you perform your double-unders. As these two points get further from the body, your rope gets shorter.Resources:
The Double-Under
From the Archives: Running Technique
The Single-UnderFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 250225
Tuesday 250225
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 dumbbell box step-overs♀ 65-lb barbell, 20-lb dumbbells, and a 20-inch box
♂ 95-lb barbell, 35-lb dumbbells, and a 24-inch boxPost rounds and reps to the comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a back-and-forth couplet. Aim to perform at least 5 rounds, but don’t be surprised if some athletes creep up toward 9. Expect this one to be sneaky on your legs. With the sumo setup and the step-up on the box, the lactic acid build-up and your leg stamina may be the limiting factor. The loading for each movement should allow you to keep moving for the entire duration of the workout. Take small breaks and get back to it.Scaling:
Reduce the load of the barbell and/or the dumbbells.Reduce the complexity of the sumo deadlift high pull by using a kettlebell or dumbbell to perform the movement. As for the dumbbell box step-overs, reduce the height of the box or perform the movement without any weight.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing the sumo deadlift high pull with a kettlebell or dumbbell. The same movement can also be performed with a single arm. As for the dumbbell box step-overs, perform these with no weight and reduce the height of the box.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 dumbbell box step-overs♀ 55-lb barbell, 15-lb dumbbells, and a 20-inch box
♂ 75-lb barbell, 25-lb dumbbells, and a 24-inch boxBeginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 sumo deadlift high pulls
10 dumbbell box step-overs♀ 35-lb barbell, 10-lb dumbbells, and a 12-inch box
♂ 45-lb barbell, 15-lb dumbbells, and a 20-inch boxCoaching cues:
As you pull the barbell off the floor, flex your triceps to help keep your arms straight through the middle of the movement.Resources:
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Dumbbell Box Step-OverFind a gym near you:
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Monday 250224
Monday 250224
3 rounds for time of:
1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike
30 wall-ball shots
30 knees-to-elbows♀ 14-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot targetPost times to the comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer effort. Find a pace on the bike you can maintain — avoid coming out hot on the bike and seeing your pace fall off. Sit up tall, breathe, and focus on your cadence. Choose options for the wall-ball shots and the knees-to-elbows that allow you to complete the 60 reps in 5 minutes or less per round. Work hard and have fun!Scaling:
Reduce the distance on the bike. Reduce the loading of the medicine ball.To reduce the complexity of the wall-ball shots, consider reducing the height of the target and the weight of the medicine ball. For the knees-to-elbows, reduce the range of motion. Consider performing knees-to-chests or hanging knee raises.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the bike with an 800-meter run, or 800/1,000 meters on the rower or ski erg. For the wall-ball shots, perform a medicine-ball front squat, dumbbell push press, or light dumbbell thruster. For the knees-to-elbows, perform V-ups or sit-ups.
Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike
30 wall-ball shots
30 knees-to-chests♀ 10-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target
♂ 14-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot targetBeginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
900/1,250-meter Echo bike
15 wall-ball shots
15 hanging knee raises♀ 10-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target
♂ 14-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot targetCoaching cues:
On the knees-to-elbows, press down against the pull-up bar, lean back, and pull your knees up to your elbows.Resources:
Rogue Echo Bike
The Wall-Ball Shot
The Knees-to-Elbows
Kipping Hanging Knee RaisesFind a gym near you:
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Saturday 250222
Saturday 250222
The Other Total
Clean 1 rep
Bench press 1 rep
Overhead squat 1 repClean is from the ground, power, or squat.
Post total to comments.
Compare to 221231.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today is a day to find a heavy single in three classic lifts. This workout has been coined as “The Other Total.” Experienced athletes should shoot to find a heavy single in each movement. Keep in mind, heavy is relative to your capacity and experience. Work hard and stay within yourself. Newer athletes should work on mechanics and building consistency rather than testing maximal loads. For the overhead squat, take the barbell out of a rack if one is available. For the bench press, it is recommended to have a spotter available. If you do not have a spotter, do not risk pushing to failure.Scaling: Reduce the loading of the barbell if needed to maintain safety and the integrity of each lift.
To adjust the complexity of each lift, we encourage you to reduce the load to something that allows you to practice the technique and maintain safety.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing a hang power clean with a barbell or a pair of dumbbells. For the bench press, consider a dumbbell bench press or a dumbbell floor press. For the overhead squat, consider an overhead lunge with a single dumbbell or barbell. If the overhead position is limiting, consider a front or back squat.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’dBeginner option:
Clean 3-3-3 reps
Bench press 3-3-3 reps
Overhead squat 3-3-3 repsCoaching cues:
In the bench press, make sure your feet have full contact with the floor. By driving your heels through the floor, your lower body can help contribute to the lift.Resources:
The Power Clean
The Clean
The Bench Press
The Overhead Squat
The Other Total With Spencer Hendel From 120221Find a gym near you:
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Friday 250221
Friday 250221
For time:
1,000-meter row
400-meter dumbbell farmers carry
200-foot handstand walk
100-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbellsPost times to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a longer-duration chipper and you should expect it to be a grind. Relax your grip on the rower so you’re ready for the farmers carry. For the handstand walk, chip away in manageable chunks of the distance. Work hard and have fun today!Scaling:
Reduce the distances of each movement. Reduce the loading of the dumbbells.To reduce the complexity of the farmers carry, consider only carrying one dumbbell or doing a low-box dumbbell step-up. To scale the handstand walk, complete 5-7 full circles around a box with your feet on the box (walking laterally around the box). You can also scale the handstand walk to an inchworm or a bear crawl. To reduce the complexity of the lunge, use one dumbbell or no weight.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider substituting the row for an 800-meter run or a 1,750/2,500-meter Echo bike. For the farmers carry, perform 100 low-box step-ups. For the handstand walk, consider an alternating dumbbell shoulder press or shoulder taps in a plank hold. For the lunges, perform these with no load or an air squat to a target.
Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000-meter row
400-meter dumbbell farmers carry
100-foot handstand walk
100-meter dumbbell front-rack lunge♀ 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 35-lb dumbbellsBeginner option:
For time:
500-meter row
200-meter dumbbell farmers carry
100-foot bear crawl
50-meter lunge♀ 10-lb dumbbells
♂ 15-lb dumbbellsCoaching cues:
You are in control of the dumbbells — don't let the dumbbells control you. For the lunges, push your chest and shoulders up into the dumbbells, even as you descend, to maintain a strong posture that promotes longer sets by avoiding errant movement in weak positions.Resources:
The Dumbbell Farmers Carry
The Handstand Walk
The Dumbbell Front-Rack LungeFind a gym near you:
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Wednesday 250219
Wednesday 250219
5 rounds for time of:
5 deadlifts
10 bar-facing burpees♀ 185 lb
♂ 275 lbPost times to comments.
Compare to similar 210722.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s effort is a slight variation of a 2008 CrossFit Games workout. This couplet should feel relatively heavy but still fast-paced. Choose a challenging deadlift load, but one you can complete unbroken with sound technique. Choose an option for the burpees you can complete in 1 minute or less per round. The goal is to complete this workout in 10 minutes or less.Scaling:
Reduce the loading so you can complete each set of deadlifts unbroken. Reduce the number of burpees so you can complete the reps in 1 minute or less.To reduce the complexity of the deadlifts, reduce the weight. You may also consider a sumo stance with the hands inside the legs.
To reduce the complexity of the burpees, perform up-downs or burpees in place.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing dumbbell or kettlebell deadlifts, or unloaded good mornings. For the burpees, perform up-downs or push-ups, using an elevated target as needed.
Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time of:
5 deadlifts
10 bar-facing burpees♀ 125 lb
♂ 185 lbBeginner option:
5 rounds for time of:
5 deadlifts
8 burpees♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbCoaching cues:
When returning the barbell to the floor in the deadlift, pull your triceps up against your lats. This will help keep the barbell close to your body and keep your upper back from yielding to the load.Resources:
The Deadlift
Bar-Facing Burpee Efficiency Tips
The Burpee
Tuesday 250218
Tuesday 250218
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 GHD sit-ups
40 air squats
400-meter runPost rounds and reps to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout provides some contrast to yesterday’s upper-body stamina effort. Today tests your midline and lower-body stamina. Athletes should push to complete at least 3 rounds. Choose options that allow you to complete a single round in 5 minutes or less. Expect your legs to feel heavy in the first 100 meters of each run. Focus on picking up your feet, getting your body moving, and then increasing your pace.Scaling:
Reduce the distance of the run. Reduce the reps of the air squats and GHD sit-ups.If you are not familiar with or have not been training consistently with the GHD, reduce the complexity of the GHD sit-ups by reducing the range of motion to parallel or performing AbMat sit-ups. For the air squats, consider squatting to an elevated target that maximizes pain-free range of motion.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing plank shoulder taps or hollow rocks for the GHD sit-ups. For the air squats, perform lunges or low box step-ups. Consider 900/1,250 meters on the Echo bike or 400/500 meters on the rower or ski erg instead of the run.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
40 air squats
400-meter runBeginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
20 sit-ups
20 air squats
200-meter runCoaching cues:
In the descent of the GHD sit-up, unlock your knees and keep your belly tight. As you reach your end range of motion, straighten your legs by squeezing your thighs and your belly, and driving your heels toward the wall in front of you.Resources:
The GHD Sit-Up
The Air Squat
Pose Running Drills | Pose Alignment
Training the GHD Sit-UpFind a gym near you:
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Monday 250217
Monday 250217
2 rounds for time of:
35 pull-ups
35 shoulder-to-overheads♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lbPost times to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a classic push/pull gymnastics couplet. Expect this effort to test your stamina and give you a pretty significant upper-body pump. The goal is to complete this workout in 10 minutes or less. You may see some more advanced athletes finish closer to 5 minutes. Choose a weight that allows you to perform at least 10 reps every time you pick up the barbell.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the barbell to something that feels moderate-to-light. If you are capable of performing pull-ups, but 70 reps is too much volume, reduce the reps to 15-25 in each round.Reduce the complexity of the pull-up by performing a jumping pull-up, banded pull-up, or ring row. For the shoulder-to-overhead, perform a push press or shoulder press with lighter weight.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider reducing the reps and performing a single-arm ring row or a bent-over dumbbell row in place of the pull-ups. If the rack position is the limitation in the shoulder-to-overhead, use a pair of dumbbells.
Intermediate option:
2 rounds for time of:
25 pull-ups
35 shoulder-to-overheads♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lbBeginner option:
2 rounds for time of:
25 ring rows
25 shoulder-to-overheads♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbCoaching cues:
To help with cycling shoulder-to-overhead reps, focus on keeping your elbows up as you return the barbell to the shoulders. This helps maintain the shelf and keeps the barbell from drifting down your chest.Resources:
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Push Press
The Push JerkFind a gym near you:
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Saturday 250215
Saturday 250215
5 rounds for time of:
Row 350/500 meters in as few pulls as possibleAfter each row, perform 2 double-unders for each pull taken. For example, if it takes 40 pulls to complete the row, complete 80 double-unders before starting the next round.
Post time and number of pulls each round to comments.
Compare to 210928.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout will require thought and strategy. To maximize the distance in each pull, the effort encourages hard pulls on the rower. Increase the damper setting and slow your cadence to minimize the number of pulls each round. If needed, reduce the total distance to something you can complete in 60 total pulls or less in each set.Scaling:
Reduce the distance on the rower.To adjust the complexity of the double-under, consider performing single-unders or jumping jacks. If you have double-unders, but they are inconsistent, consider performing attempts and counting both singles and doubles toward your reps.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider performing jumping jacks, penguin taps, or alternating toe taps on a low box in place of the double-unders.
Intermediate option:
5 rounds for time of:
Row 350/500 meters in as few pulls as possible.After each row, perform 1 double-under for each pull taken. For example, if it takes 40 pulls to complete the row, complete 40 double-unders before starting the next round.
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
Row 350/500 meters in as few pulls as possible.After each row, perform 1 single-under for each pull taken. For example, if it takes 40 pulls to complete the row, complete 40 single-unders before starting the next round.
Coaching cues:
To reduce your stroke rate, focus on your return. Release your hands away from your body, lean forward slightly, and count to three as you pull yourself back into the catch position.Resources:
Rowing Technique Tips
The Double-UnderFind a gym near you:
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Friday 250214
Friday 250214
Every 3 minutes until failure, complete 2 rounds of:
3 toes-to-bars
3 kettlebell swings
25-foot kettlebell walking lunges♀ 35 lb
♂ 53 lbRest with the remaining time in the interval.
Add 3 reps to the toes-to-bars and kettlebell swings in each progressive 3-minute interval.Post reps to comments.
Stimulus and Strategy:
Today’s workout is a race to complete your reps as quickly as possible to give yourself more rest before starting the next set. With the options you choose for the workout, the first interval should take you no more than 90 seconds to complete. Your goal should be to finish the round of 15 toes-to-bars and 15 kettlebell swings. That said, it is possible for more advanced athletes to get into the set of 21 or higher. If you are unable to complete your reps within the allotted time, your workout is over. During the kettlebell walking lunge, carry the kettlebell however you like.Scaling:
Reduce the loading of the kettlebell.To adjust the complexity of the toes-to-bars, reduce the range of motion. Consider knees-to-chests, hanging knee raises, or hollow rocks. For the kettlebell swings, perform Russian kettlebell swings. For the lunges, perform unweighted or do low box step-ups.
In case of an injury or limitation, consider hollow rocks or sit-ups in place of the toes-to-bars. For the kettlebell swings, perform sumo deadlifts or single-arm Russian kettlebell swings. For the lunges, perform an unweighted lunge or a low unweighted box step-up.
Intermediate option:
Every 3 minutes until failure, complete 2 rounds of:
3 knees-to-chests
3 kettlebell swings
25-foot kettlebell walking lunges♀ 26 lb
♂ 35 lbRest with the remaining time in the interval.
Add 3 reps to the knees-to-chests and kettlebell swings in each 3-minute interval.Beginner option:
Every 3 minutes until failure, complete 2 rounds of:
3 hanging knee raises
3 Russian kettlebell swings
25-foot walking lunges♀ 18 lb
♂ 26 lbRest with the remaining time in the interval.
Add 3 reps to the hanging knee raises and Russian kettlebell swings in each 3-minute interval.Coaching cues:
On the toes-to-bar, control the downswing after getting your toes to the bar. When you relax, you lose the rhythm. So, focus on keeping your midsection tight and pushing yourself into the arch position of the next kip.Resources:
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
The Kettlebell Swing
The Kipping Hanging Knee Raise
The Russian Kettlebell Swing
The Walking LungeFind a gym near you:
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