Monday 240923
Monday 240923
In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining timeRest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.
♀ 105 lb
♂ 155 lbPost total bike calories to comments.
Today’s workout is a twist on the Hero workout DT. The goal is to get through your round of DT in 1:10 or less. Once you get to the bike, go hard knowing you have a minute of rest. Your score is total bike calories over all 5 rounds. Choose a barbell weight you can do all 6 shoulder-to-overheads unbroken in all rounds. If you choose to break up the deadlifts and cleans, we recommend 6-5-1 for the deadlifts so you can go right into the hang power cleans after the last single. For the hang power cleans, we would recommend 7 and 2 so you can go right into the shoulder-to-overheads after the final hang clean rep.Intermediate option:
In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining timeRest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.
♀ 95 lb
♂ 135 lbBeginner option:
In 2 minutes, complete:
1 round of DT:
9 deadlifts
7 hang power cleans
5 shoulder-to-overheads
Max Echo-bike calories in remaining timeRest 1 minute between rounds. Complete a total of 5 rounds.
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbCoaching cues:
If you lose the hook grip in the hang power cleans, try elevating the barbell off your shoulders before you return to the hang position. Treat this little elevation almost like a push press. Once the barbell is off your shoulders, reestablish the hook grip and move into the next rep.Resources:
The Deadlift
The Hang Power Clean
The Push Press
The Push Jerk
Annie Sakamoto vs. the Echo BikeFind a gym near you:
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Saturday 240921
Saturday 240921
In 4 minutes, complete:
3 devils presses
12/15 Echo-bike calories
3 devils pressesIn remaining time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
3 ring muscle-ups
5 push-ups
7 air squatsRest 1 minute between each cycle. Complete a total of 5 cycles. Pick up where you left off each round so the score is the total rounds and reps for all 5 cycles.
♀ 35-lb dumbbells
♂ 50-lb dumbbellsPost rounds and reps to comments.
Today’s workout is 20 total minutes of work with 1-minute breaks every 4 minutes. This rest period will go by quickly. We suggest pacing for the entire 20-minute workout, not for each 4-minute working window. Each round, pick up where you left off. If you completed 2 rounds + 5 air squats in Round 1, in Round 2, finish the air squats, then start the round over. The goal is to complete the buy-in, in 2 minutes or less on each cycle, so you have around 2 minutes on the AMRAP. Your score is the total rounds and reps completed over 5 cycles.Intermediate option:
In 4 minutes, complete:
3 devils presses
9/12 Echo-bike calories
3 devils pressesIn remaining time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
3 strict pull-ups
5 push-ups
7 air squatsRest 1 minute between each cycle. Complete a total of 5 cycles. Pick up where you left off each round so the score is the total rounds and reps for all 5 cycles.
♀ 25-lb dumbbells
♂ 45-lb dumbbellsBeginner option:
In 4 minutes, complete:
2 devils presses
7/10 Echo-bike calories
2 devils pressesIn remaining time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
3 ring rows
5 hand-elevated push-ups
7 air squatsRest 1 minute between each cycle. Complete a total of 5 cycles. Pick up where you left off each round so the score is the total rounds and reps for all 5 cycles.
♀ 20-lb dumbbells
♂ 35-lb dumbbellsCoaching cues:
As you jump your feet to your hands in the devils presses, pull your chest up away from the floor, set your back, and then use your hips to swing the dumbbells to the overhead position.Resources:
CAP Demo: The Devils Press
Rogue Echo Bike
The Kipping Muscle-Up
The Push-Up
The Air Squat
The Strict Pull-Up
The Ring RowFind a gym near you:
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Friday 240920
Friday 240920
For time:
50 double-unders
40 wall-ball shots
30 box jump-overs
20 ground-to-overheads
10 burpee pull-ups
20 ground-to-overheads
30 box jump-overs
40 wall-ball shots
50 double-unders♀ 14-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target, 20-inch box, and 95-lb barbell
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target, 24-inch box, and 135-lb barbellPost time to comments.
Today’s workout is a pyramid-style chipper. Pace yourself on the way up with smooth double-unders, focused on breathing and relaxing your shoulders. Go for 3 to 4 sets on the wall-ball shots — a good game plan could be 12-10-10-8 or 16-14-10. On the box jump-overs, stepping down off the box is a great way to moderate your heart rate to get you ready for the ground-to-overheads. The ground-to-overhead weight should be touch-and-go for at least 6 to 8 reps, though singles are OK for today. For this movement, you can choose how you get it from the ground to over your head — snatch or clean and jerk. On the burpee pull-ups, step in and out to keep moving, rather than doing a few fast reps, followed by a break. Be mentally prepared to get right back into the ground-to-overheads. The goal is sub-20 minutes for most and sub-17 minutes for the elite.Intermediate option:
For time:
50 double-unders
40 wall-ball shots
30 box jump-overs
20 ground-to-overheads
10 burpee pull-ups
20 ground-to-overheads
30 box jump-overs
40 wall-ball shots
50 double-unders♀ 14-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target, 20-inch box, and 65-lb barbell
♂ 20-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target, 24-inch box, and 95-lb barbellBeginner option:
For time:
60 single-unders
30 wall-ball shots
20 box step-overs
10 ground-to-overheads
5 burpee pull-ups
10 ground-to-overheads
20 box step-overs
30 wall-ball shots
60 single-unders♀ 10-lb medicine ball to a 9-foot target, 20-inch box, and 55-lb barbell
♂ 14-lb medicine ball to a 10-foot target, 24-inch box, and 75-lb barbellCoaching cues:
In the burpee pull-up, draw a line on the ground directly underneath the pull-up bar. For every rep, aim to get your feet on that line before jumping up to the pull-up bar. As you get good at this, you can begin jumping without looking for the bar because you know exactly where it’s going to be. Simply jump, grab, and pull.Resources:
The Double-Under
The Wall-Ball Shot
CAP Demo | The Lateral Box Jump-Over
The Power Snatch
The Clean and Jerk
The Burpee Pull-Up With Greg AmundsonFind a gym near you:
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Wednesday 240918
Wednesday 240918
Meet Guest Programmers - Kristi and Patrick O’Connell: Sept 16-29, 2024.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 16 minutes of:
400-meter run
6 burpees to a 6-inch target
6 bar muscle-ups
10 dumbbell walking lunges♀ 35 lb
♂ 50 lbPost round and reps to comments
Today’s workout is an AMRAP! Focus on being smooth on the burpees, breaking muscle-ups or toes-to-bars as needed, and going unbroken on the lunges. For the burpees, jump to a target that is 6 inches above your fingertips when your arms are extended. Use a dumbbell weight that allows you to do the lunges unbroken for all 16 minutes while holding the dumbbells in a farmers carry position. If you finish on the run, every 50 meters completed equals 1 rep. Aim to get 3 to 5 rounds.Intermediate option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 16 minutes of:
400-meter run
6 burpees to a target
8 toes-to-bars
10 dumbbell walking lunges♀ 25 lb
♂ 45 lbBeginner option:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
200-meter run
4 burpees to a target
6 sit-ups
9 bodyweight walking lungesCoaching cues:
On the bar muscle-ups, press the pull-up bar toward the hips and keep the body as close to the bar as possible. The further the body is away from the bar, the harder it will be to make the transition.Resources:
Running Fundamentals
The Burpee
The Kipping Bar Muscle-Up
The Kipping Toes-to-Bar
The AbMat Sit-Up
CrossFit Online Course - DumbbellsFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 240917
Tuesday 240917
In 3 minutes, complete:
12 dumbbell bench presses
9 back squats
6 alternating dumbbell snatches
Max-calorie row in remaining timeRest 90 seconds between rounds for a total of 4 rounds.
♀ 35-lb dumbbells and 115-lb barbell
♂ 50-lb dumbbells and 165-lb barbellPost total calories rowed in comments.
Today’s workout is interval based. Your score is the total calories rowed over 4 rounds. The work-to-rest ratio is two to one. The dumbbell bench presses should be completed in 2 sets at the most. The back squat should be taken from a rack, and the load should be moderate so you can complete all 9 reps unbroken. For the dumbbell snatches, focus on smooth, efficient movement. Try to recover and avoid being explosive. Check the clock as you get on the rower for the first round, and use that as a goal to match that for the additional rounds. Aim to have 1 minute to 90 seconds on the rower each round.Intermediate option:
In 3 minutes, complete:
12 dumbbell bench presses
9 back squats
6 alternating dumbbell snatches
Max-calorie row in remaining timeRest 90 seconds between rounds for a total of 4 rounds.
♀ 25-lb dumbbells and 95-lb barbell
♂ 45-lb dumbbells and 135-lb barbellBeginner option:
In 3 minutes, complete:
12 dumbbell bench presses
9 back squats
6 alternating dumbbell snatches
Max-calorie row in remaining timeRest 90 seconds between rounds for a total of 4 rounds.
♀ 20-lb dumbbells and 65-lb barbell
♂ 35-lb dumbbells and 95-lb barbellCoaching cues:
During the back squat, bring your belly button toward your spine, squeeze your stomach, and without releasing your tight position, send your hips back and down.Resources:
CAP Demo | Dumbbell Bench Press
The Back Squat
The Dumbbell Power Snatch
Rowing Technique TipsFind a gym near you:
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Monday 240916
Monday 240916
Meet Guest Programmers - Kristi and Patrick O’Connell: Sept 16-29, 2024.
20 rounds for time of:
2 power cleans
3 box jumps
4 chest-to-bar pull-ups♀ 125 lb and 20-inch box
♂ 185 lb and 24-inch boxPost time to comments.
Today’s workout is a short rep scheme, but a high volume of rounds. Even though the sets are small, it is still a fairly high volume of each movement: 40 power cleans, 60 box jumps, and 80 chest-to-bar pull-ups.Focus on smooth (not fast) movement and quick transitions. Check the clock after your first round — the goal is to set one pace you can keep consistent over all 20 rounds. This is a great mental and physical test! We suggest all singles on the cleans, and to step down off the box to help manage your heart rate. Aim to keep rounds under 1:10 or less. The elite will be able to keep rounds under 50 seconds.
Intermediate option:
20 rounds for time of:
2 power cleans
3 box jumps
4 pull-ups♀ 95 lb and 20-inch box
♂ 135 lb and 24-inch boxBeginner option:
12 rounds for time of:
2 power cleans
3 box step-ups
4 ring rows♀ 65 lb and 12-inch box
♂ 95 lb and 20-inch boxCoaching cues:
Widen your grip slightly on the chest-to-bar pull-ups and try to extend your upper body toward the bar. This will reduce the range of motion a little and make it easier for you to get your chest to the bar.Resources:
The Power Clean
The Box Jump
The Kipping Chest-to-Bar Pull-Up
The Box Step-Up
The Ring RowFind a gym near you:
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Saturday 240914
Saturday 240914
3 rounds for time of:
20 sumo deadlift high pulls
40 GHD sit-ups
120 double-unders♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lbScaling:
Today’s workout is a moderate-duration effort and will challenge the integrity of your midline. Your goal should be to keep each round to 5 minutes or less. The loading of the barbell should be light and allow you to perform at least 10 reps every time you pick it up. Spend no more than 2 minutes performing double-unders. If you have not been consistent in accumulating volume on the GHD within the last few weeks, reduce the reps and range of motion for this movement.Intermediate option:
3 rounds for time of:
20 sumo deadlift high pulls
20 GHD sit-ups to parallel
60 double-unders♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lbBeginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
20 sumo deadlift high pulls
20 AbMat sit-ups
60 single-unders♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbResources:
The Sumo Deadlift High Pull
The GHD Sit-Up
The Double-Under
Training the GHD Sit-Up
The Power of Progression, Part 3: Sumo Deadlift High PullFind a gym near you:
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Friday 240913
Friday 240913
For time:
1,000-meter row
50 thrusters
30 pull-ups♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbCompare to 220808.
Post time to comments.
Today’s workout is a classic CrossFit benchmark. If you have completed this workout previously, look back at your score. This workout is meant to be a sprint and completed in 10 minutes or less. Reduce the distance of the row and the weight of the bar to ensure you can push the pace. Modify the pull-ups to crank out large sets that test your conditioning.Intermediate option:
For time:
1,000-meter row
50 thrusters
30 pull-ups♀ 25 lb
♂ 35 lbBeginner option:
For time:
800-meter row
30 thrusters
20 ring rows♀ 15 lb
♂ 25 lbResources:
The Thruster
The Kipping Pull-Up
The Butterfly Pull-Up
The Ring Row
Jackie: CrossFit WOD TipsFind a gym near you:
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Wednesday 240911
Wednesday 240911
Hero workout of your choice.
Review the list of heroes and honor one with an all-out effort. Post choice of workout and results to comments.
Compare to 230911.
Scaling: Most Hero workouts are meant to be extremely grueling, arduous, and mentally challenging. Many contain a high volume of reps. Consider the movements you have already completed this week and make sure you pick a Hero workout that allows you to keep moving. Hero workouts that emphasize moderate rep ranges and time domains (10 to 30 reps per movement, approximately 15- to 20-minute range) are good choices.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d.Beginner option:
Same as Rx’d.Resources:
CrossFit Hero and Tribute Workouts
Fallen But Not Forgotten: How CrossFit’s Hero Workouts Honor Fallen Service MembersFind a gym near you:
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Tuesday 240910
Tuesday 240910
For time:
1 round of:
30 push jerks
15 ring dips
3 rope climbs to 15 feetThen, 2 rounds of:
20 push jerks
10 ring dips
2 rope climbs to 15 feetThen, 3 rounds of:
10 push jerks
5 ring dips
1 rope climb to 15 feet♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lbScaling:
In today’s workout, be sure to pay attention to the scheme of each triplet. Rounds are increasing and reps are decreasing throughout each section. The loading of the barbell should allow you to do at least 10 reps unbroken every time you pick it up. For the ring dips and rope climbs, manage your reps, and don’t push to failure. Consider breaking the ring dips into sets of 5 to minimize fatigue and keep pushing forward through the workout.Intermediate option:
For time:1 round of:
30 push jerks
5 ring dips
2 rope climbs to 15 feetThen, 2 rounds of:
20 push jerks
5 ring dips
1 rope climb to 15 feetThen, 3 rounds of:
10 push jerks
5 ring dips
1 rope climb to 15 feet♀ 65 lb
♂ 95 lbBeginner option:
For time:1 round of:
15 push jerks
5 jumping ring dips
3 pull-to-standsThen, 2 rounds of:
10 push jerks
5 jumping ring dips
2 pull-to-standsThen, 3 rounds of:
5 push jerks
5 jumping ring dips
1 pull-to-stand♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lbResources:
The Push Jerk
The Ring Dip
The Rope Climb (Wrapping)
The Rope Climb (Basket)
The Grip-Saving Way To Rope ClimbFind a gym near you:
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