Then, 5 rounds of:
20 back extensions
16 GHD sit-ups
Then, row 1,000 meters
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Compare to 160102.
Beginner-level athletes can use the warm-up to allow for controlled exposure to the GHD machine, but choose AbMat sit-ups for the workout. Intermediate athletes can reduce the volume on the GHD.
Newer athletes should reduce the distance on the rower, and modify the GHD sit-up to an AbMat sit-up, but practice the GHD work during warm-up. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.
Modify the pushing movements to something challenging that decreases in difficulty each round. Athletes of all levels should first develop strength in a strict handstand push-up before performing a kipping handstand push-up.
Aim to complete this couplet in about 20 minutes or less. Reduce the rowing distance as needed and select wall-ball modifications that allow you to perform relatively large sets so you can get back on the rower.