Thursday 180315
4 rounds, each for time, of:
Bike 1 mileRest as needed between efforts.
Use a stationary bike or find a 1-mile course to repeat each round.Scroll for scaling options.
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Thursday 180315
4 rounds, each for time, of:
Bike 1 mileRest as needed between efforts.
Use a stationary bike or find a 1-mile course to repeat each round.Scroll for scaling options.
Monday 210503
4 rounds, each for time, of:
Bike 1 mile
Rest as needed between efforts.
Use a stationary bike, air bike, or find a 1-mile course to repeat each round.
Post times for each round to comments.
Compare to 200112.
Rest enough between rounds so that each effort can be performed at a sprint pace. Beginners can reduce the rounds and distance. Intermediate athletes can do this as prescribed.
Beginner Option:
3 rounds, each for time, of:
Bike ½ mile
Rest as needed between efforts.
Thursday 220804
Bike to Work
For time:
75 toes-to-bars
5-mile bike
75 chest-to-bar pull-ups
5-mile bike
If you have a bike and a 3-mile course, great. If not, choose a stationary bike and complete the whole workout inside.
Post time to comments.
This is a long workout with large sets of toes-to-bars and pull-ups. If either takes you more than 5 minutes, reduce the reps and move on.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
50 toes-to-bars
3.5-mile bike
50 chest-to-bar pull-ups
3.5-mile bike
Beginner Option:
For time:
35 hanging knee raises
2.5-mile bike
35 assisted pull-ups
2.5-mile bike
Wednesday 240313
5 rounds each for time of:
800/1,000-meter standing bike
*Rest 2 minutes between efforts.
Post each time to comments.
Today’s intervals are all-out sprints on the bike with a twist — you will stand as you pedal. Expect this to add some spice to the workout. Use any stationary bike you have available (e.g., Echo bike, Assault bike, airdyne bike). Each round should be maximal effort. This means each set should occupy every ounce of your capacity, both mental and physical. As long as you are pushing these physical and psychological tolerances then you are hitting this workout as intended. Following each set, rest 2 minutes before the next attempt.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d
Beginner option:
5 rounds each for time:
600/750-meter standing bike
*Rest 2 minutes between efforts.
Air Bike Setup
Rogue Echo Bike
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Featured photo:
Taken by Charlotte Foerschler during Open Workout 24.2 at CrossFit Canvas in Caldwell, Idaho.
Tuesday 021210
Bike 5 mins hard.
Dumbbell Bench-press 15 reps.
Bike 5 mins hard.
Dumbbell Bench-press 15 reps.
Bike 5 mins hard.
Dumbbell Bench-press 15 reps.
1. After a warm-up make your first effort a heroic effort
on the bike and record the distance. Take any rest needed
and give the best dumbbell bench-press you can at fifteen
reps or less. Again, rest as long as you want then repeat
both efforts. Use the same weight for each bench press set.
If the first cycling and bench-press effort are true max
efforts, then the second and third efforts are not repeatable
no matter how long the rest.
To test the quality of the first efforts and demonstrate
the point of the workout take a LONG break after each couplet.
Keep the rest between cycle effort and bench-press
constant for each couplet.