Wednesday 240717
For time:
100 strict handstand push-upsPost time to comments.
Today’s workout is a single-modality gymnastics effort. More advanced athletes should challenge their muscular stamina and move through the reps as quickly as possible. Less-experienced athletes who have the capacity to perform a few strict handstand push-ups should look to accumulate as many as possible in a 15-minute window. Athletes without the capacity to perform strict handstand push-ups should choose modifications that work overhead pressing strength (e.g., handstand push-up negatives — no more than 30 today — standing or seated dumbbell shoulder presses, piked push-ups, or push-ups).Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes:
Strict handstand push-upsBeginner option:
For time:30 standing dumbbell shoulder presses
30 push-ups from the knees (as needed)♀ 15 lb
♂ 20 lbCoaching cues:
Just as your feet generally point forward in a squat, your hands should generally point forward in the handstand push-up. The hands may turn out slightly, as often do the feet in a squat, but aim to point your fingers toward the wall with thumbs toward each other to maximize balance and strength throughout each rep.Resources:
The Strict Handstand Push-Up
Handstand Push-Up Variations
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