Wednesday 231115
Meet Guest Programmer - Dale King: Nov. 6-19, 2023.
For max reps:
Hang cleans♀ 95-lb thrusters, 125-lb hang cleans
♂ 135-lb thrusters, 185-lb hang cleansWarm up to the prescribed weight and hit a single, maximum-effort set for each movement. Rest as needed between each effort.
Post loads used and reps completed to comments.
Reduce load to perform at least 10 unbroken reps of each movement. Beginners should practice maintaining sound mechanics at moderate loads rather than performing a single-set of maximum reps.Intermediate option:
For max reps:
Hang cleans♀ 80-lb thrusters, 95-lb cleans
♂ 115-lb thrusters, 135-lb cleansBeginner option:
For load:
Hang cleans♀ 55-lb thrusters, 65-lb cleans
♂ 75-lb thrusters, 95-lb cleansMovement resources:
The Thruster
The Hang Clean