Wednesday 040901
Deadlift 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
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Wednesday 040901
Deadlift 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1
Saturday 101016
"CrossFit Total"
Back squat, 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep
Deadlift, 1 rep
Dave Lipson: Squat 550, Press 215, Deadlift 635. Total 1400lbs
Jason Khalipa: Squat 445, Press 240, Deadlift 535. Total 1220lbs
Kristan Clever: Squat 270, Press 115, Deadlift 335. Total 720lbs
Katie Hogan: Squat 245, Press 115, Deadlift 320. Total 685lbs
Elyse Umeda Squat 275, Press 105, Deadlift 295. Total 675lbs
Rebecca Voigt: Squat 215, Press 105, Deadlift 350. Total 670lbs
Kim Malz: Squat 235, Press 95, Deadlift 275. Total 605lbs
Post total to comments.
Compare to 100724.
Friday 210521
PairUP ThrowDOWN
For time, with a partner:
30 syncro deadlifts
30 syncro bar facing burpees
400 m run
20 syncro deadlifts
20 syncro bar-facing burpees
400 m Run
10 syncro deadlifts
10 syncro bar-facing burpees
400 m run
Rest 5 minutes, then:
10 syncro thrusters
10 syncro pull-ups
400 m run
20 syncro thrusters
20 syncro pull-ups
400 m run
30 syncro thrusters,
30 pull-ups
400 run
Time cap: 35 minutes
♀ 125-lb. deadlifts, 55-lb. thrusters
♂ 185-lb. deadlifts, 75-lb. thrusters
Post time to comments and/or register for the 2021 CrossFit PairUP ThrowDOWN and log your score there.
Workout Variations
(54 and under)
Women 125-lb. deadlift, 55-lb. thruster
Men 185-lb. deadlift, 75-lb. thruster
(55 and up)
Women 95-lb. deadlift, 35-lb. thruster, may step over during bar-facing burpees
Men 135-lb. deadlift, 45-lb. thruster, may step over during bar-facing burpees
(54 and under)
Women 95-lb. deadlift, 35-lb. thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees
Men 135-lb. deadlift, 45-lb. thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees
(55 and up)
Women 65-lb. deadlift, PVC pipe or stick thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees, 200-m run
Men 95-lb. deadlift, PVC pipe or stick thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees, 200-m run
Wednesday 231213
Meet Guest Programmer – Michele Letendre: Dec. 4-17, 2023.
For load:
After each set complete:
5 broad jumps for max distance
Echo-bike calories as fast as possible
Rest 3 minutes between sets.
♀ 8-calorie bike
♂ 10-calorie bike
Goal: Power
Post heaviest deadlift, longest broad jump, and fastest Echo-bike time to comments.
Lift as heavy as possible while respecting the speed work. Add weight each round.
Can you lift heavy AND move fast? This is how we do it [cue Montell Jordan].
This type of workout is fun and very challenging in the best possible way. The goals are clear: Deadlift with maxi force and bike at max speed. The broad jump is a combination of force and speed.
Kevin Bowles, our head programmer at Deka Comp, loves these sessions because they put our strength work into practice and we can feel powerful without dying out.
Words of wisdom from Kevin:
If you struggle on a machine either because it's a weakness or because of your size, replace the number of calories by a 20-second max-effort window. This will allow you to focus on wattage or cadence in the desired time frame rather than an output. In other words, effort is more important than outcome for today.
Intermediate option:
Intermediate athletes may perform this workout as prescribed.
Beginner option:
For load:
After each set complete:
3 broad jumps for max distance
:20 max-effort Echo-bike calories
What Is a Deadlift?
The Deadlift
Work, Power, and the Science of CrossFit
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Featured Photo:
WIT London by RXdPhotography
Monday 230410
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 deadlifts
3 strict bar muscle-ups
♀ 205-lb deadlift
♂ 315-lb deadlift
Post rounds completed to comments.
Similar to 180616.
This couplet combines a heavy weightlifting movement and a high-skill gymnastics movement. Pick a deadlift weight that is heavy but can be performed unbroken in the beginning. Modify the muscle-up to a pulling movement that is challenging for you.
Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 deadlifts
3 bar muscle-ups
♀ 185-lb deadlift
♂ 275-lb deadlift
Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
5 deadlifts
5 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups
♀ 105-lb deadlift
♂ 155-lb deadlift