Tuesday 240813
4 rounds for time:
25-foot handstand walk
25 pull-ups
25-foot handstand walk
25 push-ups
25-foot handstand walk
25 sit-ups
25-foot handstand walk
25 air squatsPost times to comments.
Today’s workout is a twist on the classic CrossFit benchmark Angie. Expect this variation to be disorienting and require more upper-body strength and stamina. This added challenge should cause you to manage your reps and think about strategic breaks. For example, breaking the pull-ups into consistent sets of 5-10 and minimizing rest between sets. Even though your capacity may allow for more, these strategic breaks can keep you “fresh” for longer and keep you in control of your workout.Typically, Angie should be completed in 20 minutes or less. With the added challenge in today’s variation, athletes should aim to complete this workout in 30 minutes or less.
Less-experienced athletes should reduce the distance of the handstand walks and the reps of the other movements. Consider one of the options below based on your capacity and experience.
Intermediate option:
4 rounds for time:15 shoulder taps *Choose from the options below
15 pull-ups
15 shoulder taps
15 push-ups
15 shoulder taps
15 sit-ups
15 shoulder taps
15 air squats*In a handstand against the walk
*With feet on a box
*In a pike position on the floorBeginner option:
4 rounds for time:15-foot bear crawl
10 jumping pull-ups
15-foot bear crawl
10 push-ups from the knees
15-foot bear crawl
10 sit-ups
15-foot bear crawl
10 air squatsCoaching cues:
Struggling to stay inverted during your handstand walks? It’s all about commitment. Allow your feet to come fully forward of your body as you press the support arm into the ground with an engaged midline and active shoulder, moving one hand at a time.Resources:
The Handstand Walk
The Kipping Pull-Up
Jumping Pull-Up Demo
The Push-Up
The AbMat Sit-Up
The Air SquatFind a gym near you:
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