Duncan Martin 90lbs (age 12, 85lb BW), Jack Marks 95lbs (age 12, 90lb BW), Keegan Martin 225lbs (age 17, 145lb BW), Connor Martin 255lbs.
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Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Back squat, 20 reps
Handstand walk 20 yards
Connor Martin 12:02, Kim Malz 12:49 (95lbs), Kevin Montoya 13:20, Duncan Martin 10:18 (age 12, 65lbs, 10yds), Jack Marks 11:03 (age 12, 65lbs, 10yds).
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This chipper-style workout involves high-skill movements. If you do not have bar muscle-ups, pistols, or triple-unders, practice these skills prior to the workout. Choose modifications that allow you to work with minimal rest in order to keep intensity high.