Two rounds for time of:
200 Double-unders
135 pound Overhead squat, 50 reps
50 Pull-ups
Run 1 mile
Kristan Clever 35:37 (95lbs), Austin Malleolo 40:10, Josh Courage 45:40, James Hobart 47:30, Kevin Montoya 48:32, Jason Ackerman 54:24.
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Three rounds for time of:
10 Muscle-ups
10 Forward rolls
20 One legged squats, alternating
Handstand walk 20 yards
Kristan Clever 8:24, Austin Malleolo 10:25, Kevin Montoya 10:32, Stacey Kroon 14:45, James Hobart 14:46, Mel Ockerby 16:52, Heather Bergeron 17:07, Miranda Oldroyd 19:54.
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Austin Malleolo 4:25, Kristan Clever 4:41, Chris Zienkievicz 4:41, Matt Chan 4:57, James Hobart 5:20, Jeff Tincher 5:29, Kevin Montoya 5:31, Laurie Galassi 5:44, Danielle Edmundson 6:57, Rebecca Voigt 7:05.
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