Four rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
Rest 3 minutes
Austin Malleolo 1:28.2, 1:27.0, 1:28.5, 1:29.1.
Graham Holmberg 1:31.0, 1:33.1, 1:34.5, 1:34.4
Rob Orlando 1:27.8, 1:34.8, 1:37.3, 1:38.2
Kim Malz 2:00.1, 2:02.0, 2:00.5, 2:00.2
Post times to comments.
Dave Lipson 3:42, Rob Orlando 3:45, Jason Khalipa 4:04, Jay Leydon 4:33, Gary Niel 4:40, Graham Holmberg 5:07, Pat Barber 5:25 (44lb single arm push jerk), Elyse Umeda 6:25 (55lbs), Kristan Clever 7:54 (75lbs), Kim Malz 7:56 (55lb), Jocelyn Leydon 9:50 (55lbs). Post time to comments.
Five rounds for time of:
135 pound Squat clean thruster, 5 reps
10 Chest to bar pull-ups
James Hobart 3:57, Rob Orlando 3:58, Dave Lipson 3:59, Josh Everett 4:15, Ben Bergeron 4:45, Eric Magee 4:54, Graham Holmberg 5:24, Myles Lewis 5:45, Pat Sherwood 5:50, Stacey Kroon 6:10 (95lbs), Heather Bergeron 6:38 (95lbs), Karianne Dickson 7:33 (95lbs), Kim Malz 8:33 (95lbs). Post time to comments.
Row 500 meters
Four minutes of pull-ups
Row 500 meters
Four minutes of pull-ups
Row 500 meters
Four minutes of pull-ups
Row 500 meters
Four minutes of pull-ups
1. Row at sub 2:00 pace. No score (DQ'd for 2:00+ times)
2. Set rower for intervals of 500 meters work and four minutes rest.
3. Get back to rower before 4 minute "rest" is over.
Start immediately at end of countdown!! DQ for delay.
4. Score is total pull-up count.
5. No rest here.