Monday 231016
6-9-12-9-6 reps for time of:
Weighted pull-ups
Burpees-over-bar♀ 95-lb thrusters, 35-lb pull-ups
♂ 135-lb thrusters, 50-lb pull-upsPost time to comments.
Full Session:
If you want to perform the additional elements Ben programs for CrossFit Krypton, begin today’s session with heavy front squats.Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
*Build to a heavy set of 3 for the day.
Post loads and time to comments.
Reduce the weight on the thrusters and pull-ups in order to keep moving with minimal rest.Intermediate option:
6-9-12-9-6 reps for time of:
Weighted pull-ups
Burpees-over-bar♀ 75-lb thrusters, 25-lb pull-ups
♂ 115-lb thrusters, 35-lb pull-upsBeginner option:
6-9-12-9-6 reps for time of:
Assisted pull-ups
Burpees♀ 22-lb thrusters
♂ 35-lb thrusters