Monday 200217
Practice backward roll to support on rings
Row 750 m for time
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Monday 200217
Practice backward roll to support on rings
Row 750 m for time
Wednesday 221109
Practice backward roll to support on rings.
Row 750 m for time
Post row time to comments.
Compare to 200217.
The backward roll to support is a high-skill movement. Watch the instructional video and spend time practicing on the rings. Beginners can focus on ring pull-ups and ring dips on a low set of rings.
Tuesday 031216
Practice backwards roll to support on rings.
Use false grip and bring the rings as close to your navel as you can. If you don't have rings, do pull-ups and dips - lots of them. Post results to comments in both cases.
Monday 220228
For time:
5 strict muscle-ups
50 double-unders
4 strict muscle-ups
40 double-unders
3 strict muscle-ups
30 double-unders
2 strict muscle-ups
20 double-unders
1 strict muscle-up
10 double-unders
Post time to comments.
Compare to 170711.
If muscle-ups and double-unders are not yet developed, intensity is less important than facilitating practice and technical refinement. If you are proficient with muscle-ups and double-unders, attempt to finish quickly with minimal breaks.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
5 muscle-ups with minimal kip
50 double-unders
4 muscle-ups with minimal kip
40 double-unders
3 muscle-ups with minimal kip
30 double-unders
2 muscle-ups with minimal kip
20 double-unders
1 muscle-ups with minimal kip
10 double-unders
Beginner Option:
For time:
10 muscle-ups on low rings
50 single-unders
8 muscle-ups on low rings
40 single-unders
6 muscle-ups on low rings
30 single-unders
4 muscle-ups on low rings
20 single-unders
2 muscle-ups on low rings
10 single-unders
Friday 190830
3 rounds for time of:
2 minutes of support on the rings in as few sets as possible (AFSAP).
After each round, perform 2 bodyweight thrusters and 5 GHD sit-ups for each ring support set — e.g., if it takes 4 sets on the rings, complete 8 body-weight thrusters and 20 GHD sit-ups before starting the next round.