5 rounds for time of:
50 double-unders
16 dumbbell snatches
♀ 35-lb DB ♂ 50-lb DB
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This workout is meant to be a sprint. Choose a dumbbell that will allow you to move at maximal speed while maintaining proper mechanics. Go hard.
Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for time of:
40 double-unders
16 dumbbell snatches
♀ 25-lb DB ♂ 35-lb DB
Beginner Option:
5 rounds for time of:
50 single-unders
16 dumbbell snatches
Watch “Pistol Variations” and practice proper technique in the single-leg squats. If you are unable to perform single-leg squats with your heel on the ground throughout the rep, modify the movement to a box, as seen in the video.
Intermediate Option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes:
10 single-leg squats
20 double-unders
20 single-leg squats
40 double-unders
30 single-leg squats
60 double-unders
40 single-leg squats
80 double-unders
50 single-leg squats
100 double-unders
Beginner Option:
For time:
10 single-leg squats to a box above parallel
20 single-unders
20 single-leg squats to a box above parallel
40 single-unders
30 single-leg squats to a box above parallel
60 single-unders
Watch “Pistol Variations” and practice proper technique in the single-leg squats. Reduce or modify the rope climbs to something that allows you to keep moving throughout.
For time:
Run 800 meters
20 single-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating
20 double dumbbell squat cleans
100 sit-ups
20 double dumbbell squat cleans
20 single-arm dumbbell snatches, alternating
Run 800 meters
♀ 30-lb DBs ♂ 45-lb DBs
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Compare to 070302.
Newer athletes should reduce the dumbbell weight and/or overall volume in order to perform the movements with proper technique, and complete the work in the 14-18-minute range.
If muscle-ups and double-unders are not yet developed, intensity is less important than facilitating practice and technical refinement. If you are proficient with muscle-ups and double-unders, attempt to finish quickly with minimal breaks.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
5 muscle-ups with minimal kip
50 double-unders
4 muscle-ups with minimal kip
40 double-unders
3 muscle-ups with minimal kip
30 double-unders
2 muscle-ups with minimal kip
20 double-unders
1 muscle-ups with minimal kip
10 double-unders
Beginner Option:
For time:
10 muscle-ups on low rings
50 single-unders
8 muscle-ups on low rings
40 single-unders
6 muscle-ups on low rings
30 single-unders
4 muscle-ups on low rings
20 single-unders
2 muscle-ups on low rings
10 single-unders