Friday 220415
Fight Gone Bad!
3 rounds for max reps of:1 minute of wall-ball shots
1 minute of sumo deadlift high pulls
1 minute of box jumps
1 minute of push presses
1 minute of rowing (calories)
Rest 1 minute♀ 14-lb ball to 9 ft, 55-lb SDHP and press, 20-in box
♂ 20-lb ball to 10 ft, 75-lb SDHP and press, 20-in boxPost total reps to comments.
Compare to 190421.Scaling:
Most athletes should be able to stick with the interval pattern. Beginners should reduce the loading and height of the box. Intermediate athletes can complete this as prescribed.Beginner Option: ♀ 6-lb ball to 9 ft, 35-lb SDHP and press, 12-in box
♂ 10-lb ball to 10 ft, 45-lb SDHP and press, 15-in box