20 inch Box Jump, 25 reps, in sixty seconds
Powerclean, 15 reps
Rest 1 minute
No rest during jumps or powercleans.
Each round is about three minutes including rests.
Fit: 20" box and 50% bodyweight powerclean
Superfit: 26"; box and 75% bodyweight powerclean
CrossFit: 32" box and 100% bodyweight powerclean
For time:
Powerclean 21 RM weight (weight you can lift 21 reps but not 22)
50 sit-ups
Powerclean 18 reps same weight as above
50 sit-ups
Powerclean 15 reps same weight
50 sit-ups
Powerclean 12 reps same weight
There is no rest here other than the sit-ups.
Relative to the powerclean the sit-up is a rest.
Move deliberately, and with control from one exercise to the next.
Perform the sit-ups slowly and calmly to recover from the powerclean.
On completion of the sit-ups move directly to the next set of powercleans.
If you anticipate that you cannot finish the first segment with 90 seconds or more to rest, modify the workout to 2 rounds for total time with a 2-minute rest between rounds. Use the step-down approach for both the box jump-overs and the burpee box jump-overs.
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 overhead squat
10 burpee box jumps
2 overhead squats
10 burpee box jumps
3 overhead squats
10 burpee box jumps
Continue until time expires, adding 1 overhead squat each round.
♀ 125 lb, 20-in box
♂ 185 lb, 24-in box
Post reps completed to comments.
Experienced athletes should choose a weight on the overhead squat that they can pull from the ground and perform at least 10 overhead squat reps when fresh. Newer athletes should significantly reduce the weight. Reduce the height on the box in order to keep pushing the pace.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 overhead squat
10 burpee box jumps
2 overhead squats
10 burpee box jumps
3 overhead squats
10 burpee box jumps
Continue until time expires, adding 1 overhead squat each round.
♀ 85 lb, 20-in box
♂ 125 lb, 24-in box
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 overhead squat
10 burpee box step-ups
2 overhead squats
10 burpee box step-ups
3 overhead squats
10 burpee box step-ups
Continue until time expires, adding 1 overhead squat each round.