Saturday 221022
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
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Compare to 220409.Scaling:
Most athletes can perform this workout as prescribed. Newer athletes should focus on maintaining sound mechanics rather than trying for max loads.
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Saturday 221022
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps
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Compare to 220409.Scaling:
Most athletes can perform this workout as prescribed. Newer athletes should focus on maintaining sound mechanics rather than trying for max loads.
Friday 221021
4 rounds for time of:
400-m run
30 push presses
20 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups♀ 45 lb ♂ 65 lb
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Compare to 171206.Scaling:
If you cannot run 400 m in 2:30 or less, consider reducing the distance. Select a load for the push presses that allows you to complete at least 15 consecutive reps during the warm-up. For the pull-ups, choose an option that allows you to complete each round during the workout in 3 sets or less. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.Beginner Option:
4 rounds for time of:
200-m run
20 push presses
10 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups♀ 22 lb ♂ 35 lb
Thursday 221020
5 rounds for time of:
10 dumbbell thrusters
100-yard farmers carry♀ 35-lb DBs ♂ 50-lb DBs
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Choose a dumbbell weight that allows you to complete 10 consecutive thrusters when fresh.Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for time of:
10 dumbbell thrusters
100-yard farmers carry♀ 25-lb DBs ♂ 35-lb DBs
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
10 dumbbell thrusters
100-yard farmers carry♀ 10-lb DBs ♂ 15-lb DBs
Tuesday 221018
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:2 muscle-ups
4 handstand push-ups
8 kettlebell swings♀ 1.5-pood kettlebell
♂ 2-pood kettlebellPost rounds completed to comments. Compare to 211104.
This triplet contains several high-rep gymnastics movements at what will be a high volume for experienced athletes who perform many rounds. Modify the movements while trying to preserve their range of motion. Reduce the weight of the kettlebell swing. Aim to complete each set of reps unbroken.Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
2 assisted muscle-ups
4 assisted handstand push-ups
8 kettlebell swings♀ 1-pood kettlebell
♂ 1.5-pood kettlebellBeginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
4 assisted pull-ups
4 assisted dips
8 kettlebell swings♀ 12-kg kettlebell
♂ 16-kg kettlebell
Monday 221017
Back squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2 reps
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Compare to 220127.Scaling:
Athletes at all skill levels should perform doubles. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes can use this workout as an opportunity to drill the movement.
Sunday 221016
For time:
20-cal. bike
20 clean and jerks
20-cal. bike♀ 105 lb ♂ 165 lb
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Compare to 161212.Scaling:
Reduce the load in order to complete the weightlifting portion of this workout with quick sets and minimal rest.Intermediate Option:
For time:
20-cal. bike
20 clean and jerks
20-cal. bike♀ 95 lb ♂ 135 lb
Beginner Option:
For time:
20-cal. bike
20 clean and jerks
20-cal. bike♀ 35 lb ♂ 45 lb
Friday 221014
Hard Cindy
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:5 weighted pull-ups
10 push-ups with feet on a box
15 squats holding a plate♀ 25-lb pull-up, 24-in box, 35-lb plate
♂ 35-lb pull-up, 30-in box, 45-lb platePost rounds completed to comments.
Compare to 200218.Scaling:
Today’s workout is a version of the benchmark workout Cindy. If you have not yet completed Cindy, start there. If you have a Cindy score, increase the difficulty of each movement in the triplet.Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 weighted pull-ups
10 push-ups with feet on a box
15 squats holding a plate♀ 10-lb pull-up, 20-in box, 15-lb plate
♂ 15-lb pull-up, 24-in box, 25-lb plateBeginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 assisted pull-ups
10 elevated push-ups with hands on a box
15 squats
Thursday 221013
Split jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps
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Compare to 190930.Scaling:
The split jerk allows most athletes to get more weight overhead than any other technique. Newer athletes should spend ample time drilling their mechanics prior to adding lots of weight.Beginner Option:
Split jerk 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1 reps
Wednesday 221012
Row 5,000 meters
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Compare to 220216.Scaling:
Experienced athletes should try for a PR in this benchmark distance row. Look back at your PR to help determine an appropriate pace. Newer athletes should reduce the distance to complete the row in no more than 25 minutes.Beginner Option:
Row 3,500 meters
Monday 221010
5 rounds for time of:
24 deadlifts
18 hang power cleans
12 push jerks♀ 65 lb ♂ 95 lb
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Look back at your recent effort on DT from 220922 and workout 221002. Use a lighter weight for today’s workout. This is a high volume of lifting. Pick a load that allows you to complete an entire round unbroken when fresh. Beginner-level athletes can reduce the overall volume.Intermediate Option:
4 rounds for time of:
24 deadlifts
18 hang power cleans
12 push jerks♀ 55 lb ♂ 75 lb
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
24 deadlifts
18 hang power cleans
12 push jerks♀ 22 lb ♂ 35 lb