This Hero workout contains a high volume of each exercise, broken into large sets. Newer athletes should consider decreasing the reps of each movement.
Intermediate Option:
3 rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
35 back extensions
35 sit-ups
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
Jog 400 meters
25 PVC pipe good mornings
25 AbMat sit-ups
Ideally, each set will be as heavy as possible for 5 reps, but newer athletes should start light and slowly add weight as they are comfortable.
This workout contains difficult movements at a low enough volume that they should be performed at a sprint pace. The snatch load should be heavy enough that tap-and-go is not sustainable, but light enough that long breaks between reps can be avoided.
Intermediate Option:
9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee box jump-overs
♀ 24-in box, 115 lb
♂ 30-in box, 155 lb
Beginner Option:
9-6-3 reps for time of:
Burpee box step-overs
For each rep, jump and touch a target 12 inches above your reach.
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If you are unable to complete a mile run in 10 minutes or less, shorten the distance. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed, with a 30-minute time cap.
Beginner Option:
2 rounds for time of:
Run 800 m
25 burpees
For each rep, jump and touch a target 6 inches above your reach.
Elizabeth is a classic benchmark that should be completed relatively quickly. Go lighter on the cleans and modify the ring dips so you can complete the work in less than 10 minutes.
Intermediate Option:
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Squat cleans
Ring dips
♀ 75 lb ♂ 115 lb
Beginner Option:
15-12-9 reps for time of:
Squat cleans
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
50-yard swim
20 push-ups
30 squats
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Paired with two bodyweight movements, this swim workout can be completed anywhere. If needed, reduce the reps of the push-ups and squats so you can keep moving throughout the 20 minutes.
Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-yard swim
10 push-ups
15 squats
This progression of snatch variations should prepare you for a solid attempt at a 1-rep-max squat snatch. Experienced lifters should try to go heavy, while newer athletes should focus on mechanics and worry less about adding weight.
15 dumbbell hang power cleans
10 dumbbell push presses
3 rope climbs
♀ 35-lb DBs ♂ 50-lb DBs
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Reduce the weight of the dumbbells so you can complete the first couple rounds unbroken. Similarly, modify the rope climb to something that requires minimal rest between reps when fresh.
Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for time of:
15 dumbbell hang power cleans
10 dumbbell push presses
2 rope climbs
♀ 25-lb DBs ♂ 35-lb DBs
Beginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
15 dumbbell hang power cleans
10 dumbbell push presses
3 rope climbs, lying to standing