10 rounds, each for time of:
Swim 50 yards
Rest 1 minute
10 rounds, each for time of:
200-m sprint
Rest 1 minute
If you cannot get to a pool, lake, or other water source, sub for a run of similar length.
Post times to comments.
If you do not have access to a pool or open-water swimming for today’s workout, substitute with 200-m run repeats. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed. Beginner-level athletes should reduce the number of rounds.
Beginner Option:
7 rounds, each for time of:
Swim or run 1 minute
Rest 1 minute
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 toes-to-bars
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks
14/12-cal row
♀ 35-lb DB ♂ 50-lb DB
Post rounds/reps completed to comments.
Compare to 180223.
Today we have an Open repeat. If you competed in the 2018 CrossFit Open, try to beat your score. If you are a newer athlete, modify the toes-to-bar to a movement that challenges your core and grip strength. Reduce the load on the dumbbell to complete the hang clean and jerks with proper technique.
Intermediate Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
8 toes-to-bars
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks
14/12-cal row
♀ 25-lb DB ♂ 35-lb DB
Beginner Option:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
8 hanging knee raises
10 dumbbell hang clean and jerks
14/12-cal row
Experienced athletes should go as heavy as possible for each set of 5. Newer athletes should practice solid mechanics. Watch “The Deadlift” and “The Bench Press” to review the points of performance for each movement.
The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for eight intervals. For this workout, your Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals. The measurement unit for the row is calories.
Post your Tabata score for each exercise and sum of all five Tabata exercises to comments.
Compare to 190511.
If needed, modify the movements so you can work without hitting failure for the first few intervals. Intermediate athletes can do this workout as prescribed.
For time:
Run 1 mile
21 clean and jerks
Run 800 meters
21 clean and jerks
Run 1 mile
♀ 105 lb ♂ 155 lb
Post time to comments.
Compare to 141019.
Reduce the loading on the barbell to string together sets of clean and jerk with solid mechanics. Additionally, reduce the running volume to keep this workout under 25 minutes.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
Run 1 mile
21 clean and jerks
Run 800 meters
21 clean and jerks
Run 1 mile
♀ 85 lb ♂ 125 lb
Beginner Option:
For time:
Run 800 meters
15 clean and jerks
Run 400 meters
15 clean and jerks
Run 800 meters
If you cannot do the muscle-ups, do 120 pull-ups and 120 dips.
Post time to comments.
Compare to 201202.
As noted, if you cannot do the muscle-ups, you may complete 120 pull-ups and 120 dips instead. If further modification is needed, try ring rows, banded pull-ups, banded dips, and watch “Pull-up Modification” for a seated variation.
Beginner Option:
For time:
60 assisted pull-ups
60 assisted dips
1 minute of dumbbell hang squat cleans
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of toes-to-bars
2 minutes of dumbbell hang squat cleans
2 minutes of burpees
2 minute of toes-to-bars
1 minute of dumbbell hang squat cleans
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of toes-to-bars
♀ 30-lb DBs ♂ 45-lb DBs
Post total reps completed to comments.
Compare to 160517.
Reduce the weight and choose modifications that allow you to keep working and avoid failure. There is no built-in rest in this workout. Strategize effectively to get the most work done across the 12-minute block.
Intermediate Option:
1 minute of dumbbell hang squat cleans
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of toes-to-bars
2 minutes of dumbbell hang squat cleans
2 minutes of burpees
2 minute of toes-to-bars
1 minute of dumbbell hang squat cleans
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of toes-to-bars
♀ 20-lb DBs ♂ 30-lb DBs
Beginner Option:
1 minute of dumbbell hang squat cleans
1 minute of burpees
1 minute of toes-to-bars
2 minutes of dumbbell hang squat cleans
2 minutes of burpees
2 minute of toes-to-bars
Ideally, each set will be as heavy as possible for 3 reps, but newer athletes should start light and slowly add weight as they become comfortable.
Reduce the weight on the deadlift to keep the rest and transitions short. Beginner-level athletes may need to reduce the overall volume on today’s workout.
Intermediate Option:
3 rounds:
800-m run
15 deadlifts