5 rounds for time of:
50-foot overhead walking lunge
21 burpees
♀ 35-lb barbell ♂ 45-lb barbell
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Compare to 050721.
Watch The Overhead Lunge and practice the movement with a barbell. If you struggle to keep the bar overhead, consider reducing the load to a PVC pipe or modify the movement to a single dumbbell overhead lunge. Intermediate athletes can perform this workout as prescribed.
Beginner option:
3 rounds for time of:
50-foot overhead walking lunge with a PVC pipe
21 burpees
Push the pace on today’s couplet. Newer athletes should choose a box height and kettlebell weight that allows them to complete larger sets with minimal rest.
Intermediate option:
4 rounds for time of:
20 box jumps
25 kettlebell swings
Experienced athletes should work to maintain maximal speed throughout this chipper. Newer athletes may choose to modify the movements and reduce the load, while maintaining the rep scheme.
Run 4 miles for time
Ruck 3 miles for time with a ♀ 30 lb/♂ 45 lb pack
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Experienced athletes can consider their recent 5k run effort and attempt to hold a slightly more manageable pace for the 4 mile option. Newer athletes should reduce the distance to complete the run or ruck in no more than 35 minutes.
Beginner Option:
Run 2 miles for time
Ruck 1.5 miles for time with a ♀ 10 lb/♂ 15 lb pack
Back squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
Front squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
Score is total load of all sets.
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Experienced athletes can take one of two approaches on today’s workout. 1. Attempt to increase the load for every set, aiming for a PR on the later sets. Or, 2. Build to approximately 70-80% of your 1-rep-max and maintain consistent working sets. Focus on excellent technique and aim for a PR on the fourth or fifth set. Athletes with less experience should consider a coach’s guidance and drill the mechanics before adding weight.
All athletes can work to the best of their abilities in the hang-snatch sets. Experienced athletes should build to a heavy single. If you are new to weightlifting, you may choose to perform one hang power snatch plus one overhead squat.
Reduce the loading to a moderately heavy deadlift for you. An option for a scaled wall walk is to start in a push-up position with the feet touching the wall. Then, move the feet up the wall while keeping the hands in place. Walk the hands 2-4 steps toward the wall. Then, walk the feet and hands back down, without sliding, to a plank, then bring the chest to the ground.
Intermediate option:
For time:
Scaled wall walks
♀ 135 lb ♂ 205 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
Bear crawls, 5 ft.
10 rounds for time of:
200-m run
3 ring muscle-ups
If you do not have a muscle-up, choose a pull and push exercise that is challenging for you, but with which you can maintain quick sets of 3 reps. Push the run efforts.
Intermediate option:
10 rounds for time of:
200-m run
2 ring muscle-ups
Beginner option:
5 rounds for time of:
200-m run
3x: [3 ring rows + 3 jumping ring dips]