Wednesday 211222
Half Collin
3 rounds for time of:400-m sandbag carry
12 push presses
12 box jumps
12 sumo deadlift high pulls♀ 35-lb bag, 75-lb press, 20-in box, 65-lb SDHP
♂ 50-lb bag, 115-lb press, 24-in box, 95-lb SDHPPost time to comments.
Compare to 101121 (similar).Scaling:
Reduce the loading so you can work through the sets with minimal rest and complete the workout in 15 minutes or less.Intermediate Option:
3 rounds for time of:
400-m sandbag carry
12 push presses
12 box jumps
12 sumo deadlift high pulls♀ 20-lb bag, 75-lb press, 20-in box, 65-lb SDHP
♂ 35-lb bag, 115-lb press, 24-in box, 95-lb SDHPBeginner Option:
3 rounds for time of:
400-m run
12 push presses
12 box jumps
12 sumo deadlift high pulls♀ 35-lb press, 12-in box, 22-lb SDHP
♂ 45-lb press, 20-in box, 35-lb SDHP