Thursday 100617
Three rounds for time of:
10 Muscle-ups
10 Forward rolls
20 One legged squats, alternating
Handstand walk 20 yardsKristan Clever 11:32, Laurie Galassi 12:25, Stacey Kroon 23:54. Post time to comments.
Benchmark, Memorial, Hero WODS | Crossfit Wods At Home
Results for {phrase} ({results_count} of {results_count_total})
Displaying {results_count} results of {results_count_total}
Thursday 100617
Three rounds for time of:
10 Muscle-ups
10 Forward rolls
20 One legged squats, alternating
Handstand walk 20 yardsKristan Clever 11:32, Laurie Galassi 12:25, Stacey Kroon 23:54. Post time to comments.
Friday 211029
For time:
4 legless rope climbs
40 single-leg squats, alternating
40 dumbbell snatches, alternating
3 legless rope climbs
30 single-leg squats, alternating
30 dumbbell snatches, alternating
2 legless rope climbs
20 single-leg squats, alternating
20 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 legless rope climb
10 single-leg squats, alternating
10 dumbbell snatches, alternating
♀ 35-lb. DB ♂ 50-lb. DB
Post time to comments.
Watch “Pistol Variations” and practice proper technique in the single-leg squats. Reduce or modify the rope climbs to something that allows you to keep moving throughout.
Intermediate Option:
For time:
3 legless rope climbs
30 single-leg squats, alternating
30 dumbbell snatches, alternating
2 legless rope climbs
20 single-leg squats, alternating
20 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 legless rope climbs
10 single-leg squats, alternating
10 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 rope climb
5 single-leg squats, alternating
5 dumbbell snatches, alternating
♀ 25-lb. DB ♂ 35-lb. DB
Beginner Option:
For time:
3 rope climbs, lying to standing
30 squats, alternating
30 dumbbell snatches, alternating
2 rope climbs, lying to standing
20 squats, alternating
20 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 rope climb, lying to standing
10 squats, alternating
10 dumbbell snatches, alternating
1 rope climb, lying to standing
5 squats, alternating
5 dumbbell snatches, alternating
♀ 10-lb. DB ♂ 15 lb.-DB
Friday 211224
Ten 1-minute rounds of:
60-yard shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)
3 deadlifts
Max Echo Bike calories
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
♀ 205 lb ♂ 315 lb
Post reps completed each round to comments.
Each of the 10 rounds in this workout demands max power output. The deadlifts should be heavy. You may need to reduce the load to keep the transitions quick and the reps unbroken.
Intermediate Option:
Ten 1-minute rounds of:
60-yard shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)
3 deadlifts
Max Echo Bike calories
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
♀ 175 lb ♂ 255 lb
Beginner Option:
Five 1-minute rounds of:
60-yard shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)
3 deadlifts
Max Echo Bike calories
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
♀ 95 lb ♂ 135 lb
Monday 231002
7 rounds, 1 minute each, of:
3 thrusters
60-yard shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)
Max-reps bar dips
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
♀ 125 lb ♂ 185 lb
Post number of dips completed each round to comments.
Reduce the thruster load in to keep each interval quick, completing the thrusters and shuttle sprint in no more than 40 seconds. The thruster should feel challenging but should be performed with solid mechanics. Use a band or choose to perform jumping dips. If you do not have parallel bars for the dips, modify to a bench or ring dip.
Intermediate option:
7 rounds, 1 minute each, of:
3 thrusters
60-yard shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)
Max-reps bar dips
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
♀ 105 lb ♂ 155 lb
Beginner option:
5 rounds, 1 minute each, of:
3 thrusters
60-yard shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)
Max-reps jumping dips
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
♀ 55 lb ♂ 75 lb
Saturday 210116
5 rounds for time of:
50 double-unders
15 box jumps
1 shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)
Rest 2 minutes
♀ 20-in. box ♂ 24-in. box
Post time to comments.
Reduce the reps and difficulty of the jumps so you can sprint each interval.
Intermediate Option:
5 rounds for time of:
35 double-unders
12 box jumps
1 shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)
Rest 2 minutes
♀ 15-in. box ♂ 20-in. box
Beginner Option:
5 rounds for time of:
25 single-unders
10 box jumps
1 shuttle sprint (5 yards, 10 yards, 15 yards)
Rest 2 minutes
♀ 6-in. box ♂ 12-in. box