Sunday 050904
For time:
Run 400 meters
45 pound barbell Thruster, 50 reps
Run 400 meters
50 Burpees
Run 400 meters
45 pound barbell Hang squat clean, 50 reps
Run 400 meters
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Sunday 050904
For time:
Run 400 meters
45 pound barbell Thruster, 50 reps
Run 400 meters
50 Burpees
Run 400 meters
45 pound barbell Hang squat clean, 50 reps
Run 400 meters
Saturday 240127
For time:
12 squat clean thrusters
Run 400 meters
9 squat clean thrusters
Run 400 meters
6 squat clean thrusters
Run 400 meters
♀ 75 lb
♂ 115 lb
Post time to comments.
Expect today’s workout to fall in a moderate time domain. We are performing a lower volume of squat clean thrusters, but the challenge lies in hanging on to the barbell. A single repetition is a squat clean from the floor directly into a thruster. The bar must then be returned to the ground to begin the next rep. This workout is intended to be used with a moderately light barbell to allow for large, unbroken sets.
The runs should take no longer than 2:30. Push to complete the first 12 squat clean thrusters unbroken, or as close to it as possible. The intent of this workout is to cycle a lighter load across a large range of motion and push the pace on the runs.
Intermediate option:
For time:
12 squat clean thrusters
Run 400 meters
9 squat clean thrusters
Run 400 meters
6 squat clean thrusters
Run 400 meters
♀ 55 lb
♂ 75 lb
Beginner option:
For time:
12 squat clean thrusters
Run 400 meters
9 squat clean thrusters
Run 400 meters
6 squat clean thrusters
Run 400 meters
♀ 35 lb
♂ 45 lb
The Squat Clean Thruster With Nuno Costa
Pose Running Drills: Lean and Pull
At-Home Cluster: Floor Touch Squat and Reach
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Saturday 240316
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 ring dips
2 burpees
5 hang power cleans
4 ring dips
4 burpees
5 hang power cleans
6 ring dips
6 burpees
5 hang power cleans, etc.
*Continue adding 2 reps to the ring dips and burpees until time expires.
♀125 lb
♂185 lb
Post reps to comments.
Today we have an ascending ladder of ring dips and burpees paired with a consistent number of hang power cleans. The load of the barbell is moderately heavy and should allow you to complete 5 reps in 2 sets or less. Advanced athletes may be able to maintain unbroken reps throughout the workout. Athletes performing the ring dips as prescribed should be able to maintain consistent sets of 3-5 unbroken reps. Expect the ring dips and burpees to cause localized muscle fatigue and the hang power cleans to be a welcomed “break.” Work hard and have fun today!
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
1 ring dip
2 burpees
5 hang power cleans
2 ring dips
4 burpees
5 hang power cleans
3 ring dips
6 burpees
5 hang power cleans, etc.
*Continue adding 1 rep to the ring dips and 2 reps to the burpees until time expires.
♀95 lb
♂135 lb
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
2 foot-assisted ring dips
2 burpees
5 hang power cleans
4 foot-assisted ring dips
4 burpees
5 hang power cleans
6 foot-assisted ring dips
6 burpees
5 hang power cleans, etc.
*Continue adding 2 reps to the ring dips and burpees until time expires.
♀35 lb
♂45 lb
The Ring Dip
The Burpee
The Hang Power Clean
Looking for the CrossFit Open Workout?
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Reminder: 24.3 scores are due before 5 p.m. PT, Monday, March 18.
Featured photo:
Taken by Ruby Wolff during Open Workout 24.3 at CrossFit Geo in Gladesville, Australia.
Friday 210521
PairUP ThrowDOWN
For time, with a partner:
30 syncro deadlifts
30 syncro bar facing burpees
400 m run
20 syncro deadlifts
20 syncro bar-facing burpees
400 m Run
10 syncro deadlifts
10 syncro bar-facing burpees
400 m run
Rest 5 minutes, then:
10 syncro thrusters
10 syncro pull-ups
400 m run
20 syncro thrusters
20 syncro pull-ups
400 m run
30 syncro thrusters,
30 pull-ups
400 run
Time cap: 35 minutes
♀ 125-lb. deadlifts, 55-lb. thrusters
♂ 185-lb. deadlifts, 75-lb. thrusters
Post time to comments and/or register for the 2021 CrossFit PairUP ThrowDOWN and log your score there.
Workout Variations
(54 and under)
Women 125-lb. deadlift, 55-lb. thruster
Men 185-lb. deadlift, 75-lb. thruster
(55 and up)
Women 95-lb. deadlift, 35-lb. thruster, may step over during bar-facing burpees
Men 135-lb. deadlift, 45-lb. thruster, may step over during bar-facing burpees
(54 and under)
Women 95-lb. deadlift, 35-lb. thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees
Men 135-lb. deadlift, 45-lb. thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees
(55 and up)
Women 65-lb. deadlift, PVC pipe or stick thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees, 200-m run
Men 95-lb. deadlift, PVC pipe or stick thruster, jumping pull-ups, may step over during bar-facing burpees, 200-m run
Sunday 240421
Quarterfinals Workout 4
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 clean and jerks, weight 1
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 2
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 3
Rest 1 minute
Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4.
♀ 85/125/155/165 lb
♂ 135/185/225/245 lb
Post total reps to comments.
Welcome to the fourth and final workout of the 2024 CrossFit Games Quarterfinals! Today's workout is a clean-and-jerk ladder with ascending weights. This is a barbell stamina and conditioning test. The barbell load starts on the lighter side of moderate and builds its way up to relatively heavy. The first barbell should be a weight with which you can perform some touch-and-go reps, while the next three will require a bit more strategy. Consider performing fast singles with minimal rest between reps. If you are not signed up for the Quarterfinals, choose loads that challenge your ability but allow you to complete the reps at the first and second barbell. The third barbell should be tough to get through, and any reps with the fourth barbell should be considered a bonus.
Intermediate option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 clean and jerks, weight 1
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 2
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 3
Rest 1 minute
Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4.
♀ 75/95/115/125 lb
♂ 115/135/155/185 lb
Beginner option:
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 clean and jerks, weight 1
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 2
Rest 1 minute
10 clean and jerks, weight 3
Rest 1 minute
Max-reps clean and jerks in time remaining, weight 4.
♀ 35/45/55/65 lb
♂ 45/55/65/75 lb
The Clean and Jerk
The Power Clean and Push Jerk
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Featured photo:
Taken by Peter Pan at CrossFit CSTL in Hong Kong, China.