Wednesday 050831
Deadlift 7-7-7-7-7-7-7 reps
For each set, touch and go at ground only.
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Wednesday 050831
Deadlift 7-7-7-7-7-7-7 reps
For each set, touch and go at ground only.
Sunday 010211
Dumbbell deadlift 10 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Dumbell deadlift 8 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Dumbell deadlift 6 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Dumbell deadlift 4 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Dumbell deadlift 2 reps
Hang from pull-up bar and slowly curl body until toes touch the bar 15 reps
Cycle two minutes at high resistance
Cycle two minutes at high RPM
Cycle two minutes at high resistance
Increase the deadlift weight each set.
Maintain perfect form or you'll cripple yourself.
Cycle effort is all out; this is not a cruise.
On the bar-toe touch, move in slow motion, i.e, no swing at all.
Monday 240415
For time:
40 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
1,600-meter ruck
30 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
1,600-meter ruck
20 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
1,600-meter ruck
♀ 30 lb
♂ 45 lb
Post time to comments.
Today’s workout is meant to be a grind. The load of the ruck should allow you to complete at least 15-20 unbroken reps of the ground-to-overheads and to keep moving on each of the rucks. Newer athletes should move at a march pace and reduce the distance to complete each ruck in no more than 11 minutes. If you’re more experienced, feel free to pick up the pace.
Intermediate option:
Same as Rx’d
Beginner option:
For time:
20 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
800-meter ruck
15 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
800-meter ruck
10 ground-to-overheads with the ruck
800-meter ruck
♀ 10 lb
♂ 15 lb
Get GORUCK Ballistic Trainers™
An Intro to Rucking — Get Started
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Featured photo:
Taken by Nick Schrein for GORUCK in Atlantic Beach, Florida.
Wednesday 111026
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
3 Wall climbs
10 Up-downs
5 Parallette pass-throughs (forward + back = 1)
10 Grasshoppers (right + left = 1)
For the wall climbs, toes and chest touch the ground to toes and chest touch the wall. For the up-downs, thighs touch the ground then stand up fully. For the pass-throughs, the hips open at the front and back. For the grasshoppers, the shin contacts the opposite forearm.
Kristan Clever 10 rounds + 5 up-downs, Whitney Heuser 8 rounds + 5 pass-throughs, Cara Hipskind 7 rounds + 10 up-downs, Rebecca Voigt 7 rounds + 7 up-downs.
Post rounds completed to comments.
Monday 010618
Hang from bar and touch knees to elbows, 15-12 and 9 reps.
20 Dips
Run 400 meters, max effort.
With no rest between deadlift and pull-ups with only 60 seconds rest between superset:
Deadlift 15 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 15 reps
Deadlift 12 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 12 reps
Deadlift 9 reps (body weight)/Pull-ups 9 reps
Run 400 meters, max effort.
20 Dips
Hang form bar and touch knees to elbows, 15-12 and 9 reps.